

作者:林鶴玲 引用關係李香潔
作者(外文):Lin, HolinLee, Hsiang-chieh
主題關鍵詞:代間契約理論家庭資源分配省籍族群父權文化性別階層化Intergenerational contract theoryHousehold resource allocationPatriarchal cultureEthnic groups
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(34) 博士論文(8) 專書(2) 專書論文(4)
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     This study is aimed at exploring how gender and ethnic backgrounds affect ones economic stratification via domestic resource allocation. Based on research findings from previous quantitative studies, the study utilizes in-depth interviews to further examine the mechanism through which gender and ethnic patterns of household resource entitlements are shaped. With special reference to Susan Greenhalgh's intergenerational contract theory, we examine household resource distribution from three different aspects: parental resource investment on children, adult children's economic feedback to parents, and the role of daughters-in-law. Our findings suggest that material flows between parents and children among families of different ethnic backgrounds basically reveal reciprocal relationships, that is, since patriarchal families carry on via the male heirs, sons have higher priority than daughters in claiming household resources. On the other hand, sons also bear greater responsibility for financially supporting and taking care of aging parents. With regard to ethnic differences, it appeats that Hokien and Hakka families have a stronger patriarchal culture than that of Mainlandersw. Furthermore, Hakka women's household status is lower than that of their Hokien sisters in similar circumstances. We also find that social networks of kinship and local community often serve as important mechanisms to enforce conformity of traditional gender roles. This finding implies that ethnic differences between patriarchal culture are derived from different kinship structures and may disappear with time.
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