

題名:媒介消費 : 閱聽人與社會
作者:盧嵐蘭 引用關係
  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(6) 博士論文(3) 專書(2) 專書論文(2)
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1.孫治本(20011200)。生活風格與社會結構的研究。東吳社會學報,11,79-111。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.石計生(20011200)。意義的挑釁--德希達與保羅.德曼的解構主義及其在當代社會的文化解釋探究。東吳社會學報,11,1-42。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Van Zoonen, L.(2002)。Gendering the Internet: Claims, controversies and cultures。European Journal of Communication,17(1),5-23。  new window
4.陳儀芬(20020900)。消費「迷」相與三個希臘神話。中外文學,31(4)=364,39-53。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.曾少千(20030500)。我買故我在:芭芭拉.克魯格與消費文化。臺大文史哲學報,58,251-296。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.盧嵐蘭(20010600)。真實與詮釋。資訊傳播與圖書館學,7(4),47-58。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.盧嵐蘭(20040300)。閱聽人媒介經驗之建構。中國廣告學刊,9,84-106。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.Adams, M.(2002)。Ambiguity: The reflexive self and alternatives。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,5(5)。  new window
9.Anton, C.、Peterson, V. V.(2003)。Who said what: Subject positions, rhetorical strategies and good faith。Communication Studies,54(4),403-419。  new window
10.Babe, R.(2000)。Foundations of Canadian communication thought。Canadian Journal of Communication,25(1)。  new window
11.Bakardjieva, M.(2003)。Virtual togetherness: An everyday-life perspective。Media, Culture, & Society,25(3),291-313。  new window
12.Boyns, D.、Stephenson, D.(2003)。Understanding television without television: A study of suspended television viewing。Journal of Mundane Behavior,4(1),9-28。  new window
13.Brown, B. R.(1999)。Marx and the foundations of the critical theory of morality and ethics。Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice,2(2)。  new window
14.Bryant, J. A.(2001)。Living with an invisible family medium。Journal of Mundane Behavior,2(1),26-41。  new window
15.Butsch, R.(2000)。The making of American audiences: From stage to television, 1750-1990。Canadian Journal of Communication,25(4)。  new window
16.Callero, P. L.(2003)。The sociology of the self。Annual Review of Sociology,29,115-133。  new window
17.Christensen, C. B.(1997)。Meaning things and meaning others。Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,57(3),495-522。  new window
18.Clarke, D.(2000)。The active pursuit of active viewers: Directions in audience research。Canadian Journal of Communication,25(1)。  new window
19.Crossley, Nick(2001)。The phenomenological habitus and its construction。Theory and Society,30(1),81-120。  new window
20.Deikinan, A. J.(1996)。' I ' = Awai.eness。Journal of Consciousness Studies,3(4),350-356。  new window
21.Downes, D. M.(2000)。The medium vanishes? The resurrection of the mass audience in the new media economy。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,3(1)。  new window
22.Foote, J.(2002)。Cultural consumption and participation。Canadian Journal of Communication,27(2/3),209-220。  new window
23.Gentile, D. A.、Walsh, D. A.(2002)。A normative study of family media habits。Applied Developmental Psychology,23,157-178。  new window
24.Harmes, A.(200105)。Mass investment culture。New Left Review,9,103-124。  new window
25.Heroux, E.(1998)。The return of alienation。Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice,2(1)。  new window
26.Hinman, J. L.(1997)。One-dimensional man in the postmodern age: Rethinking the bourgeois subject, toward the sensibilities of freedom。Negations: An Interdisciplanary Journal of Social Thought。  new window
27.Turkle, S.(1997)。Computational technologies and images of the self。Social Resarch,64(3),1093-1111。  new window
28.Holden, T. J. M.(1999)。The evolution of desire in advertising: From object-obsession to subject-affection。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,2(5)。  new window
29.Van Zoonen, L.(1992)。Feminist theory and information technology。Media, Culture and Society,14,9-29。  new window
30.Jhally, S.、Kline, S.、Leiss, W.(1985)。Magic in the marketplace: An empirical test for commodity fetishism。Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory,9(3),1-22。  new window
31.Kirk, J.(2002)。Changing the subject: Cultural studies and the demise of class。Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice,5。  new window
32.Kroker, A.(1985)。Television and the triumph of culture: Three theses。Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory,9(3),37-47。  new window
33.Lillie, J.(1998)。Tackling identity with constructionist concepts。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,7(3)。  new window
34.Maras, S.(2000)。One or many media?。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,3(6)。  new window
35.McCarthy, C.(2003)。Afterword: Understanding the work of aesthetics in modem life。Critical Studies--Critical Methodologies,3(1),96-102。  new window
36.McGettigan, T.(1998)。Redefining reality: Epiphany as a standard of postmodern truth。Electronic JournaI of Sociology,3/4。  new window
37.Morley, D.(2003)。What's 'home' got to do with it? Contradictory dynamics in the domestication of technology and the dislocation of domesticity。European Journal of Cultural Studies,6(4),435-458。  new window
38.Mulhern, F.(200309)。What is cultural criticism。New Left Review,25,35-49。  new window
39.Newitz, A.(1995)。Surplus identity on-line。Bad Subjects,18。  new window
40.Pack, S.(2000)。Reception, identity, and the global village: Television in the fourth world。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,3(1)。  new window
41.Patton, P.(1994)。Foucault’s subject of power。Political Theory Newsletter,6(1),60-71。  new window
42.Peretti, J.(1996)。Capitalism and schizophrenia: Contemporary visual culture and the acceleration of identity formation/dissolution。Negations: An Interdisciplanary Journal of Social Thought,Winter。  new window
43.Pettigrew, S.(2002)。Consumption and the self-concept。M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture,5(5)。  new window
44.Sharpe, M.(2003)。The logo as fetish: Marxist themes in Naomi Klein’s No Logo。Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice,6。  new window
45.Wood, D.(2003)。Foucault and panopticism revisited。Surveillance & Society,1(3),234-239。  new window
46.陳淳文(20030600)。公民、消費者、國家與市場。人文及社會科學集刊,15(2),263-307。new window  延伸查詢new window
47.Gane, N.(2003)。Computerized capitalism: The media theory of Jean-Francois Lyotard。Information, Communication & Society,6(3),430-450。  new window
48.潘榮飲(20010300)。現代消費理論的轉折與超越--從阿多諾、馬庫色到布西亞。思與言,39(1),145-172。new window  延伸查詢new window
49.林思平(20020900)。《壹週刊》現象與消費文化政治--權力、真相、八卦。中外文學,31(4)=364,20-38。new window  延伸查詢new window
50.王佳煌(19980900)。商品拜物教與資訊拜物教--資本主義電腦化與「資訊社會」意識型態之批判。思與言,36(3),203-259。new window  延伸查詢new window
51.吳秀瑾(20010400)。文化品味與庸俗批判:布爾迪厄文化思想論判。東吳哲學學報,6,241-282。new window  延伸查詢new window
52.劉維公(20011200)。當代消費文化社會理論的分析架構--文化經濟學(cultural economy)、生活風格(lifestyles)與生活美學(the Aesthetics of Everyday Life)。東吳社會學報,11,113-136。new window  延伸查詢new window
53.Ang-Lygare, Magdalene(1996)。Everywhere to Go but Home: On (re) (dis) (un) location。Journal of Gender Studies,5(3),375-388。  new window
1.盧嵐蘭(1997)。閱聽人概念之科學論述與倫理論述。  延伸查詢new window
2.盧嵐蘭(1998)。閱聽人:概念、範疇、權力--論傳播主體與傳播能力。  延伸查詢new window
3.盧嵐蘭(2000)。閱聽人詮釋社群:概念與方法學探討。  延伸查詢new window
4.盧嵐蘭(2001)。閱聽人論述之多重脈絡的歷史研究。  延伸查詢new window
5.盧嵐蘭(2003)。閱聽人媒介經驗模式之建構。  延伸查詢new window
6.Descartes, L.、Kottak, C. R.(2001)。Media and the work/family interface。  new window
7.Descartes, L.、Kottak, C. P.(2001)。Media in the middle: Work, family, and media use in a middle class midwestem town。  new window
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3.Douglas, Mary、Isherwood, Baron(1978)。The World of Goods: Towards an Anthropology of Consumption。London:Allen Lane。  new window
4.Calvert, Clay、林惠娸、陳雅汝(2003)。偷窺狂的國家。臺北:商周。  延伸查詢new window
5.Kearney, Richard(1994)。Modern movements in European philosophy。Manchester University Press。  new window
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11.Simons, Jon(1995)。Foucault & the political。London:Routledge。  new window
12.Taylor, Lisa、Willis, Andrew(1999)。Media studies: Texts, institutions and audiences。Blackwell。  new window
13.Elias, Norbert(1987)。Involvement and Detachment。Oxford:Basil Blackwell。  new window
14.Boyne, R.(2001)。Subject, society, and culture。London:Sage。  new window
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16.Dyer, Richard(1993)。The matter of images: Essays on representations。Routledge。  new window
17.Frisby, D.、Featherstone, M.(1997)。Simmel on culture。Sage。  new window
18.Gabriel, Yiannis、Lang, Tim(1995)。The Unmanageable consumer: Contemporary consumption and its fragmentation。London:Sage。  new window
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27.Lury, Celia(1996)。Consumer Culture。Cambridge:Polity Press。  new window
28.Mackay, Hugh(1997)。Consumption and Everyday Life。London:Sage。  new window
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33.Postman, Neil、蕭昭君(1994)。童年的消逝。臺北:遠流出版社。  延伸查詢new window
34.Turkle, S.(1995)。Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet。New York, NY:London:Touchstone, Simon & Schuster:Weidenfeld & Nicolson。  new window
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