

作者:瞿宛文 引用關係
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1.瞿宛文、洪嘉瑜(20020900)。自由化與企業集團化的趨勢。臺灣社會研究,47,33-83。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Chou, T. C.(1988)。Concentration and Profitability in a Dichotomous Economy: The Case of Taiwan。International Journal of Industrial Organization,6,409-428。  new window
3.鄭陸霖(2000)。是誰惹毛了沈睡的貓?台灣有線電視市場場域中的權力競爭。台灣產業研究,3,221-256。  延伸查詢new window
4.林智新(19811100)。十大企業集團分析。天下雜誌,6,42-48。  延伸查詢new window
5.Krueger, Anne O.(1990)。Government Failures in Development。The Journal of Economic Perspectives,4(3),9-23。  new window
6.Rodrik, Dani(1996)。Understanding Economic Policy Reform。Journal of Economic Literature,34(1),9-41。  new window
7.李國貞(19970900)。我國化學工業發展現況與發展策略。工業簡訊,27(9),31-64。  延伸查詢new window
8.李定儒(19650900)。臺灣之鋼鐵工業。臺灣銀行季刊,16(3),24-66。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.郭大微、蘇育琪、胡世杰、陳俊仲、游常山、洪美娟(19940700)。企業集團各擁一片天。天下雜誌,158,144-157。  延伸查詢new window
10.刁曼蓬(1995)。國票風暴尚未落幕。天下雜誌,173,126-128。  延伸查詢new window
11.刁曼蓬(1999)。高鐵路上關山重重。天下雜誌,220,176-181。  延伸查詢new window
12.天下編輯部(1994)。一百大企業集團爭食金融服務業大餅。天下雜誌,159,207-209。  延伸查詢new window
13.王正勤(1998)。百大集團爭霸戰 核心能力引爆規模成長。天下雜誌,207,46-54。  延伸查詢new window
14.王志仁(19970800)。百大集團爭霸戰--策略定位引爆成長火力。天下雜誌,195,38-42+45-46。  延伸查詢new window
15.何琦瑜(1996)。財團搶攻有線電視。天下雜誌,182,126-132。  延伸查詢new window
16.何琦瑜(19980600)。大哥大打進未來。天下雜誌,205,74-77+79-80。  延伸查詢new window
17.李國鼎(1980)。台灣石化工業的過去與未來。自由中國之工業,53(3)。  延伸查詢new window
18.沈嘉信(19990900)。五十大集團爭霸--「集團分殖」強化母集團。天下雜誌,220,204-211。  延伸查詢new window
19.沈嘉信(20000500)。集團爭霸戰 比資金.比知識.比網絡。天下雜誌,特刊28,361-366。  延伸查詢new window
20.汪暉(20000300)。當代中國的思想狀況與現代性問題。臺灣社會研究,37,1-43。new window  延伸查詢new window
21.洪美娟(1995)。民營電廠照亮台灣?。天下雜誌,175,178-181。  延伸查詢new window
22.洪美娟(1996)。群雄競逐 電訊金礦。天下雜誌,183,106-112。  延伸查詢new window
23.洪懿妍(1999)。財團爭取固網執照 五路競奪未來通行證。天下雜誌,215,52-54。  延伸查詢new window
24.洪懿妍、顏和正(2001)。三G選秀,六大集團鬥豔。天下雜誌,225,200-214。  延伸查詢new window
25.胡世杰(1994)。票券業告別寡占?。天下雜誌,159,103-106。  延伸查詢new window
26.高立南(1992)。新銀行幕後股東一一浮上檯面--單一財團主控新銀行董監席位。財訊,119,185-188。  延伸查詢new window
27.高立南、金崇遠、曾嬿卿、周新權、段水雲(1991)。新銀行風雲錄。財訊,115,133-178。  延伸查詢new window
28.張琬琳(2001)。有線電視大戰誰得利?從600家變成5大集團,故事可寫成一本書。新新聞,741,68-71。  延伸查詢new window
29.張戌誼(19971000)。「臺灣」、「中華」高鐵聯盟較勁--奪標容易 風險難扛。天下雜誌,197,78-82+85-86。  延伸查詢new window
30.陳一姍(1996)。票券市場 彈性致勝。天下雜誌,186,54-56。  延伸查詢new window
31.陳一姍(1998)。台灣BOT高鐵啟示路。天下雜誌,207,178-184。  延伸查詢new window
32.陳正澄(19830600)。臺灣汽車零件製造工業之研究。臺灣銀行季刊,34(2),27-62。new window  延伸查詢new window
33.傅貽椿(19680300)。臺灣之汽車工業。臺灣銀行季刊,19(1),20-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
34.黃維明(1998)。如果,台灣沒電了……。天下雜誌,209,166-171。  延伸查詢new window
35.劉吉玲(1999)。財團搶建民營電廠,誰最來電?。商業週刊,621,133-136。  延伸查詢new window
36.瞿宛文(19890300)。出口導向成長與進口依賴:臺灣的經驗,1969-1981。臺灣社會研究,2(1),13-28。new window  延伸查詢new window
37.瞿宛文(200203)。自由開放有利於經濟發展?如何看待中國加入世貿組織。讀書,276,36-44。  延伸查詢new window
38.Adelman, Irma(1984)。Beyond Export-led Growth。World Development,12(9),937-949。  new window
39.Chandler, A. D. Jr.(1992)。Organizational Capabilities and the Economic History of Industrial Enterprise。Journal of Economic Perspectives,6(3),79-100。  new window
40.Chang, H. J.、Kozul-Wright, R.(1994)。Organizing Development: Comparing the National Systems of Entrepreneurship in Sweden and South Korea。Journal of Development Studies,30(4),859-891。  new window
41.Chu, Wan-wen(1988)。Export-Led Growth and Import Dependence: the Case of Taiwan, 1969-1981。Journal of Development Economics,28,265-276。  new window
42.Deraniyagala, S.、Fine, B.(2001)。New Trade Theory versus Old Trade Policy: A Continuing Enigma。Cambridge Journal of Economics,25(6),809-825。  new window
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56.楊瑪利(2001)。錢與影響力 誰掌控你的視聽?系列:媒體整合 肥了業者苦了觀眾。天下雜誌,238,136-162。  延伸查詢new window
57.劉榮生(19730900)。我國造船工業之現況業瞻望。中美技術,18(3),13-16。  延伸查詢new window
58.歐錫昌(1996)。跨出台灣才能贏的競賽 一百大集團新戰局。天下雜誌,183,27-32。  延伸查詢new window
59.瞿宛文(20000300)。全球化與後進國之經濟發展。臺灣社會研究,37,91-117。new window  延伸查詢new window
60.瞿宛文(20010600)。臺灣產業政策成效之初步評估。臺灣社會研究,42,67-117。new window  延伸查詢new window
61.瞿宛文(20011200)。全球化與自由化之後的臺灣石化業。臺灣社會研究季刊,44,13-47。new window  延伸查詢new window
62.瞿宛文(20020300)。反全球化的意義何在?--回應「為何反全球化?如何反?」。臺灣社會研究,45,247-260。new window  延伸查詢new window
63.瞿宛文、黃秋燕(19981200)。產業政策與連鎖效果:臺灣塑膠原料業發展的因素。臺灣社會研究,32,83-124。new window  延伸查詢new window
64.顧大凱(19750300)。臺灣之造船工業。臺灣銀行季刊,26(1),91-111。new window  延伸查詢new window
65.Amsden, A. H.(1990)。Third World Industrialization: 'Global Fordism' or a New Model?。New Left Review,182,5-31。  new window
66.Amsden, A. H.(1999)。The Left and Globalization。Dissentt,1999(Spring),7-9。  new window
67.Auty, R. M.(1995)。Industrial Policy Capture in Taiwan and South Korea。Development Policy Review,13,195-217。  new window
68.Brenner, Robert(19770700)。The Origins of Capitalist Development: a Critique of Neo-Smithian Marxism。New Left Review,104,25-93。  new window
69.Chu, Wan-wen(1994)。Import Substitution and Export-Led Growth: A Study of Taiwan's Petrochemical Industry。World Development,22(5),781-794。  new window
70.Chu, Wan-wen(1997)。Causes of Growth: A Study of Taiwan's Bicycle Industry。Cambridge Journal of Economics,21(1),55-72。  new window
71.Chu, Wan-wen、Li, Jia-Jing(1996)。Growth and Industrial Organization: A Comparative Study of the Bicycle Industry in Taiwan and South Korea。Journal of Industry Study,3(1),35-52。  new window
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74.Korhonen, P.(1994)。The Theory of Flying Geese Pattern of Development and Its Interpretations。Journal of Peace Research,31(1),93-108。  new window
75.Pritchett, Lant(1997)。Divergence, Big Time。Journal of Economic Perspectives,11(3),3-17。  new window
76.Rodrik, Dani、Grossman, Gene、Norman, Victor(1995)。Getting Interventions Right: How South Korea and Taiwan Grew Rich。Economic Policy,10(20),53-97。  new window
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81.瞿宛文、李佳靜(19990900)。成長與產業組織:臺灣與南韓自行車業之比較研究。臺灣社會研究,35,47-73。new window  延伸查詢new window
82.陳正澄(19801100)。中日兩國的工業關係:以汽車產業為例。經濟論文叢刊,9(2),87-123。new window  延伸查詢new window
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85.洪世章、陳忠賢(20001200)。臺灣企業集團的發展是漸趨同形嗎?。臺大管理論叢,11(1),73-101。new window  延伸查詢new window
86.于治中、王振寰、丘延亮、鄭文良、瞿宛文(19950200)。對[陳光興著]〈帝國之眼:「次」帝國與國族—國家的文化想像〉之回應。臺灣社會研究,18,215-263。new window  延伸查詢new window
87.Wood, Adrian(1995)。How Trade Hurt Unskilled Workers。Journal of Economic Perspectives,9(3),57-80。  new window
88.Bernard, Mitchell、Ravenhill, John(1995)。Beyond Product Cycles and Flying Geese: Regionalization, Hierarchy, and the Industrialization of East Asia。World Politics,47(2),171-209。  new window
89.Kojima, Kiyoshi(2000)。The 'Flying Geese' Model of Asian Economic Development: Origin, Theoretical Extensions, and Regional Policy Implications。Journal of Asian Economics,11(4),375-401。  new window
90.Weiss, Linda(1995)。Governed Interdependence: Rethinking the Government-Business Relationship in East Asia。The Pacific Review,8(4),589-616。  new window
91.瞿宛文(19970900)。產業政策的示範效果--臺灣石化業的產生。臺灣社會研究,27,97-138。new window  延伸查詢new window
92.Arnold, Walter(1989)。Bureaucratic Politics, State Capacity, and Taiwan's Automobile Industrial Policy。Modern China,15(2),178-214。  new window
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94.陳光興(19940700)。帝國之眼:「次」帝國與國族--國家的文化想像。臺灣社會研究,17,149-222。new window  延伸查詢new window
95.瞿宛文(19950200)。進口替代與出口導向成長:臺灣石化業之研究。臺灣社會研究季刊,18,39-69。new window  延伸查詢new window
96.Shapiro, H.、Taylor, L.(1990)。The State and Industrial Strategy。World Development,18(6),861-878。  new window
97.瞿宛文(19950800)。國家與臺灣資本主義的發展--評論《解構黨國資本主義》。臺灣社會研究季刊,20,151-175。new window  延伸查詢new window
98.周添城(19880300)。Aggregate Concentration Ratios and Business Groups: A Case Study of Taiwan。經濟論文叢刊,16(1),79-94。new window  new window
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100.Lucas, Robert E. Jr.(1988)。On the Mechanics of Economic Development。Journal of Monetary Economics,22(1),3-42。  new window
101.趙剛(20011200)。為何反全球化?如何反?--關於全球化的一些問題的思考與對話。臺灣社會研究季刊,44,49-146。new window  延伸查詢new window
102.Kojima, Kiyoshi(1973)。A macroeconomic approach to foreign direct investment。Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics,14(1),1-21。  new window
103.Lall, Sanjaya(1992)。Technological Capabilities and Industrialization。World Development,20(2),165-186。  new window
104.王振寰(19950200)。國家機器與臺灣石化業的發展。臺灣社會研究季刊,18,1-37。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.單驥、蔡慧美(1994)。台灣在大陸投資之估計及其對海峽兩岸對美輸出能力評估--以電子工業為例。國科會82年度經濟學門專題計劃研究成果發表會。  延伸查詢new window
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6.瞿宛文(199311)。市場機制與社會公平。邁向公平正義的社會研討會。台北。  延伸查詢new window
7.瞿宛文(2001)。由全球化看台灣勞工之處境。勞動事務相關議題研討會,(會議日期: 10月17日)。台北。  延伸查詢new window
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9.Chu, Wan-wen(1999)。Industrial Growth and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: the Case of Taiwan。Conference on Transitional Societies in Comparison: East Central Europe versus Taiwan,(會議日期: May 27-29)。Prague。  new window
10.Chu, Wan-wen(1999)。Productivity Growth and Industrial Structure: the Case of Taiwan。Pacific Economic Outlook meetings,(會議日期: March 17-18)。Osaka, Japan。  new window
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