

題名:幼教人員的資訊認知與實踐 : 教育社會學的觀點
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1.林慧蓉(20070400)。組織學習理念在教師專業發展評鑑之應用。初等教育學刊,26,43-63。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.黃志敘(2005)。資訊融入等值分數教學。國教天地,160,49-55。  延伸查詢new window
3.Tanner, H.,、Jones, S.(2007)。Using video-stimulated reflective dialogue to learn from children about their learning with and without ICT。Technology, Pedagogy and Education,16(3),321-335。  new window
4.林凱胤(2005)。運用網路科技促進教師學科教學知識的發展。國教天地,159,74-79。  延伸查詢new window
5.張玉成(2005)。優質教師應備能力新指標:迎接變遷的挑戰。國民教育,45(3),2-8。  延伸查詢new window
6.廖晟堃(200409)。教師的知識管理與發展。學生事務,43(3),70-73。  延伸查詢new window
7.Dymoke, S.,、Harrison, J. K.(2006)。Professional development and the beginning teacher:Issues of teacher autonomy and institutional conformity in the performance review process。Journal of Education for Teaching,32(1),71-92。  new window
8.Hendrix, E.(2005)。Permanent injustice: Rawls' theory of justice and the digital divide。Educational Technology & Society,5(1),63-68。  new window
9.Cohen, R.(2005)。An early literacy telecommunication exchange pilot project: the MMM project。Educational Media International,42(2),109-115。  new window
10.Schlager, M. S.、Fusco, J.(2003)。Teacher professional development, technology, and communities of practice: Are we putting the cart before the horse?。The Information Society,19(3),203-220。  new window
11.廖遠光(20010200)。A Meta-analysis of Gender Differences on Attitudes toward Computers for Studies Using Loyd and Gressards' CAS。新竹師院學報,14,49-68。new window  new window
12.蔡明輝(2003)。運用知識管理模式經營學校之探究。國教輔導,42(4),34-38。  延伸查詢new window
13.Chalmers, L.、Keown, P.(2006)。Communities of practice and professional development。International Journal of Lifelong Education,25(2),139-156。  new window
14.Fox, R.、Henri, J.(2005)。Understanding teacher mindsets: IT and change in Hong Kong schools。Educational Technology & Society,8(2),161-169。  new window
15.Mehra, B.、Merkel, C.、Bishop, A. P.(2004)。The internet for empowerment of minority and marginalized users。New Media & Society,6(6),781-802。  new window
16.Shelley, M.、Thrane, L.、Shulman, S.、Lang, E.、Beisser, S.、Larson, T.(2004)。Digital citizenship: Parameters of the digital divide。Social Science Computer Review,22,256-269。  new window
17.Valaitis, R. K.(2005)。Computers and the Internet: Tools for youth empowerment。Journal of Medical Internet Research,7(5),43-52。  new window
18.Chang, S. E.(2005)。Computer anxiety and perception of task complexity in learning programming-related skills。Computers in Human Behavior,21(5),713-728。  new window
19.徐明珠(2005)。構築孩子學習的鷹架--培育專業而優質的幼保人員。技術及職業教育,85,11-15。  延伸查詢new window
20.Johnson, P.(2002)。New technology tools for human development? Towards policy and practice for knowledge societies in southern Africa。Compare,32(3),381-389。  new window
21.Sleeter, C.、Tettegah, S.(2002)。Technology as a tool in multicultural teaching。Multicultural Education,10(2),3-9。  new window
22.Warschauer, M.、Knobel, M.、Stone, L.(2004)。Technology and equity in schooling: Deconstructing the digital divide。Educational Policy,18(4),562-588。  new window
23.Kennedy, T.、Wellman, B.、Klement, K.(2003)。Gendering the digital divide。IT & Society,1(5),72-96。  new window
24.Kennewell, S.、Morgan, A.(2006)。Factors influencing learning through play in ICT settings。Computers & Education,46(3),265-279。  new window
25.Fagan, M. H.、Neill, S.、Wooldridge, B. R.(2003)。An empirical investigation into the relationship between computer self-efficacy, anxiety, experience, support and usage。Journal of Computer Information Systems,44(2),95-104。  new window
26.Karavidas, M.、Lim, N. K.、Katsikas, S. L.(2005)。The effects of computers on older adult users。Computers in Human Behavior,21(5),697-711。  new window
27.McFarland, D. J.、Hamilton, D.(2006)。Adding contextual specificity to the technology acceptance model。Computers in Human Behavior,22(3),427-447。  new window
28.江麗莉(2005)。幼兒學習評量淺說。國教世紀,216,5-14。  延伸查詢new window
29.吳文中(2005)。淺談學校e化管理。教師天地,134,69-72。  延伸查詢new window
30.吳重謙(2004)。從推動「資訊融入教學」經驗談教師專業成長。北縣教育,50,80-83。  延伸查詢new window
31.吳環、彭煥勝(2001)。E世微師的進修途徑:以行動研究建立親師合作的學習社群。國教世紀,196,73-78。  延伸查詢new window
32.吳聲毅(2003)。建構校園EIP以提升組織效率與建立知識社群。研習資訊,20(6),76-79。  延伸查詢new window
33.李玉慶(2003)。從學校數位媒體資源建構策略談教學方式之創新。人文及社會學科教學通訊,14(2),131-145。  延伸查詢new window
34.李亦君、練凱文(2002)。知識管理於教育上之應用。建國學報,21,725-732。  延伸查詢new window
35.李春雄、吳聲毅(2004)。校務資訊系統跨平臺整合之探討及實作。視聽教育,45(5),39-45。  延伸查詢new window
36.李烟長、張基成(2002)。國小學童網路化寫作學習社群的設計與建構。跨世紀的教育傳播科技,63-78。  延伸查詢new window
37.汪光懿、張至文、胡信忠、涂志榮(2004)。國小學童對電腦焦慮感之調查研究。科學教育研究與發展季刊,39,93-109。  延伸查詢new window
38.林佳慧(2002)。幼稚園評鑑後的省思。國教輔導,41(3),22-26。  延伸查詢new window
39.徐振雄(2004)。網路公民社群與法治社會。高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類,34,123-137。new window  延伸查詢new window
40.徐新逸、吳琬瑩、陳人慧(2004)。資訊國小社會領域教學設計:以議題式STS課程爲例。研習資訊,21(3),1-14。  延伸查詢new window
41.張玉山、連秀敏(1999)。幼稚園科技教學之探討32(8),10-19。  延伸查詢new window
42.許玉齡(2005)。幼稚園教師的評鑑內容領域:新竹市園長觀點。國教世紀,216,57-60。  延伸查詢new window
43.許麗玲(1999)。國小行政電腦化需求分析。嘉義文教,54,23-28。  延伸查詢new window
44.郭明堂(2003)。資訊科技在九年一貫「綜合活動領域」課程的融入與應用。國教天地,154,20-29。  延伸查詢new window
45.曾錦達、戴振浩、曾家樓(2003)。網際網路在國民小學教學上的應用:以桃園縣國民小學爲例43(5),8-16。  延伸查詢new window
46.黃超陽(2001)。花蓮縣國民小學推行校務行政電腦化問題與對策。資訊與教育,82,63-74。  延伸查詢new window
47.溫嘉榮、楊榮宗、許麗玲(2004)。校園數位落差因應策略分析之研究。高雄師大學報,17,311-335。  延伸查詢new window
48.劉慶仁(2002)。數位化時代的纖與因應措胞。教育資料與研究,47,34-45。  延伸查詢new window
49.蔣姿儀(2004)。托兒所保育人員專業踐行之研究。幼兒教育年刊,16,99-127。new window  延伸查詢new window
50.蔡明輝(2004)。發展知識管理提昇學校爭力之探討。研習資訊,21(4),72-80。  延伸查詢new window
51.蔡菁芝(2002)。全球化觀點下的數位差距與數位機會47,58-64。new window  延伸查詢new window
52.鄧美君(2004)。教學可以變得更生動有趣:談資訊融入教學之具體作爲。國教之友,56(1),38-41。  延伸查詢new window
53.Aase, H.(2006)。Infrequent, but not frequent, reinforcers produce more variable responding and deficient sustained attention in young children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)。Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry,47(5),457-471。  new window
54.Ashoor, M. S.(2005)。Information literacy: A case study of the KFUPM library。Electronic Library,23(4),398-409。  new window
55.Ashton, J.、Newman, L.(2006)。An unfinished symphony: 21st century teacher education using knowledge creating heutagogies。British Journal of Educational Technology,57(6),825-840。  new window
56.Barab, S. A.、Makinster, J. G、Scheckler, R.(2003)。Designing system dualities: Characterizing a websupported professional development community。Information Society,19(3),237-256。  new window
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58.Bawden, D.、Robinson, L.(2002)。Promoting literacy in a digital age: Approaches to training for information literacy。Learned Publishing,15(4),297-301。  new window
59.Beckers, J. J.、Schmidt, H. G.(2001)。The structure of computer anxiety: A six-factor model。Computers in Human Behavior,17(1),35-49。  new window
60.Beckers, J. J.、Schmidt, H. G.(2003)。Computer experience and computer anxiety。Computers in Human Behavior,19(6),785-797。  new window
61.Beckers, J. J.、Rikers, R. M. J. P.、Schmidt, H. G.(2006)。The influence of computer anxiety on experienced computer users while performing complex computer tasks。Computers in Human Behavior,22(3),456-466。  new window
62.Bollin, G G(2007)。Preparing teachers for Hispanic immigrant children: A service learning。Journal of Latinos and Education,6(2),177-189。  new window
63.Bozionelos, N.(2001)。Computer anxiety: Relationship with computer experience and prevalence。Computers in Human Behavior,17(2),213-224。  new window
64.Bozionelos, N.(2001)。The relationship of instrumental and expressive traits with computer anxiety。Personality and Individual Differences,31(6),955-914。  new window
65.Brosio, R. A.(1993)。Capitalism's emerging world order: The continuing need for theory and brave action by citizen-educators。Educational Theory,43(4),467-482。  new window
66.Camoy, M.、Rhoten, D.(2002)。What does globalization mean form educational change? A comparative approach。Comparative Education Review,46(1),1-9。  new window
67.Carrington, V.(2008)。4 Fm Dylan and Fm not going to say my last name: Some thoughts on childhood, text and new technologies。British Educational Research Journal,34(2),151-166。  new window
68.Cassell, J.(2004)。Towards a model of technology and literacy development: Story listening systems。Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,25(1),75-105。  new window
69.Ceyhan, E.(2006)。Computer anxiety of teacher trainees in the framework of personality variables。Computers in Human Behavior,22(2),207-220。  new window
70.Chun, W. C.(2006)。Working with information: Information management and culture in a professional services organization。Journal of Information Science,32(6),491-510。  new window
71.Chun, W. C.、Colin, F.、Scott, P.、Herman, V. D. B.、Brian, E.、Pierrette, B.(2006)。Working with information: Information management and culture in a professional services organization。Journal of Information Science,32(6),491-510。  new window
72.Clegg, S.(2001)。Theorising the machine: Gender, education and computing。Gender and Education,13(3),324。  new window
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75.Cook, J.、Smith, M.(2004)。Beyond formal learning: Informal Community e-Learning。Computers & Education,43(1-2),35-47。  new window
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81.Desimone, L.、Porter, A. C.、Birman, B. F.、Garet, M. S.、Yoon, K. S.(2002)。How do district management and implementation strategies relate to the quality of the professional development that districts provide to teachers?。Teachers College Record,104(7),1265-1312。  new window
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85.Dumdell, A.、Haag, Z.(2002)。Computer self efficacy, computer anxiety, attitudes towards the Internet and reported experience with the Internet, by gender, in an East European sample。Computers in Human Behavior,18(5),521-535。  new window
86.Eshet-Alkali, Y.、Amichai-Hamburger, Y.(2004)。Experiments in digital literacy。Cyberpsychology & Behavior,7(4),421-429。  new window
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94.Goldstein, S. B.、Dudley, E. A.、Richer, N. L.、Erickson, C. M.(2002)。Personality traits and computer anxiety as predictors of Y2K anxiety。Computers in Human Behavior,18(3),271-284。  new window
95.Gordon, M.、Killey, M.、Shevlin, M.、Mcllroy, D.、Tierney, K.(2003)。The factor structure of the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale and the Computer Thoughts Survey。Computers in Human Behavior,19(3),291-298。  new window
96.Gorski, P. C.(2004)。Multicultural education and progressive pedagogy in the online information age。Multicultural Perspectives,6(4),37-48。  new window
97.Hammer, R.、Kellner, D.(1999)。Multimedia pedagogy for the new millennium。Journal of Adolescent &. Adult Literacy Newark,42(1),522-526。  new window
98.Haughey, M.(2006)。The impact of computers on the work of the principal: Changing discourses on talk, leadership and professionalism。School Leadership &. Management,26(1),23-36。  new window
99.Hughes, N.、Beirens, H.(2007)。Enhancing educational support: Towards holistic, responsive and strength-based services for young refugees and asylum-seekers。Children & Society,21(4),261-272。  new window
100.Jackson, L. A.、Ervin, K. S.、Gardner, P. D.、Schmitt, N.(2001)。Gender and the Internet: Women communicating and men searching。Sex Roles,44(5/6),363-379。  new window
101.Jaffee, D.(2003)。Virtual transformation: Web-based technology and pedagogical change。Teaching Sociology,57(2),227-236。  new window
102.Jerabek, J. A.、Meyer, L. S.、Kordinak, S. T.(2001)。Library anxiety’ and ‘computer anxiety’: Measures, validity, and research implications。Library & Information Science Research,23(3),277-289。  new window
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116.Mcllroy, D.、Bunting, B.、Tierney, K.、Gordon, M.(2001)。The relation of gender and background experience to self-reported computing anxieties and cognitions。Computers in Human Behavior,17(1),21-33。  new window
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120.Mejias, U.(2006)。Teaching social software with social software。Innovate,2(5)。  new window
121.Meyer, R.(2000)。It takes a cyber village。Library Journal,125(14),20-25。  new window
122.Michinov, N.、Michinov, E.、Toczek-Capelle, M. C.(2004)。Social identity, group processes, and performance in synchronous computer-mediated communication。Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice,8(1),27-39。  new window
123.Mikkelsen, A.、Ogaard, T.、Lindoe, P. H.(2002)。Job characteristics and computer anxiety in the production industry。Computers in Human Behavior,75(3),223-239。  new window
124.Miller, D.、Glover, D.(2007)。Into the unknown: The professional development induction experience of secondary mathematics teachers using interactive whiteboard technology。Learning, Media, & Technology,32(3),319-331。  new window
125.Miron, L. F.(2002)。The zen of revolutionary pedagogy: Is there a middle path?。Educational Theory,52(3),359-373。  new window
126.Mitchell, D.、Dunbar, C.(2006)。Learning and Development in the Nursery Setting: The Value of Promoting Emergent Information and Communications Technology Skills。Child Care in Practice,12(3),241-257。  new window
127.Mizuko, I.(2006)。Engineering play: Children^ software and the cultural politics of edutainment。Discourse,27(2),139-160。  new window
128.Mooij, T.(2002)。Designing a digital instructional management system to optimize early education。Educational Technology Research and Development,50(4),11-23。  new window
129.Munoz, J. S.(2002)。(Dis)integration: Multiculturalism with technology。Multicultural Education,10(2),19-24。  new window
130.Na, M. S.(2001)。The cultural construction of the computer as a masculine technology: An analysis of computer advertisements in Korea。Asian Journal of Womens Studies,7(3),114。  new window
131.Namlu, A. G.(2003)。The effect of learning strategy on computer anxiety。Computers in Human Behavior,19(5),565-578。  new window
132.Nikolopoulou, K.(2007)。Early Childhood Educational Software: Specific Features and Issues of Localization。Early Childhood Education Journal,35(2),173-179。  new window
133.Nulden, U.(2001)。E-ducation: Research and practice。Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,77,363-375。  new window
134.Padilla, Y. C.、Radey, M. D.、Hummer, R. A.、Eunjeong, K.(2006)。The living conditions of U.S.- born children of Mexican immigrants in unmarried families。Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,28(3),331-349。  new window
135.Potts, D.。Pedagogy, purpose, and the second language learner in on-line communities。Canadian Modem Language Review,62(1),137-160。  new window
136.Rajagopal, I.、Bojin, N.(2003)。'I don’t do Windows’: Gender, pedagogy, and instructional technologies。Education & Society,27(1),75-97。  new window
137.Robertson, H. J.(2003)。Toward a theory of negativity-Teacher education and information and communications technology。Journal of Teacher Education,54(4),280-296。  new window
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