

題名:課程理解 : 教師取向之研究
作者:陳美如 引用關係
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1.丁興祥(2004)。質量兼容,樂在其中。教育研究月刊,118,5-15。  延伸查詢new window
2.王思迅(20040100)。意志的肯定與否定--尼采對叔本華意志觀的超越。鵝湖,29(7)=343,27-38。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.王曉晴(2003)。創意來自於實際的執行,而非完美的計劃。CHEERS雜誌,39,17-23。  延伸查詢new window
4.林安梧(2003)。主體就在變化歷程中。應用心理研究,17,19-24。  延伸查詢new window
5.夏林清(2002)。作者回應:對話前行甚於位置的找尋。應用心理研究,16,168。  延伸查詢new window
6.張曉卉(2004)。問自己:心還在不在?考訪奚淞。康健雜誌,65,65-67。  延伸查詢new window
7.鄒皙(2004)。「歷史性原則」與「意識形態」批判作為「理解策略」進路之辯論,伽達瑪與哈伯瑪斯在傳統問題上的歧見。當代,197,34-53。  延伸查詢new window
8.蕭富元(2004)。新領導典範:正直297,146-150。  延伸查詢new window
9.顧瑜君(2004)。知識經濟趨勢下邊垂地區弱勢教育工作者専業發展之策略。教育研究資訊,12(1),3-28。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Asante, M.(1991)。Afrocentric curriculum。Educational Leadership,49,28-31。  new window
11.Ayers, W.、Schubert, W. H.(1989)。The normative and the possible: Values in the curriculum。Eaucational Forum,53,355-364。  new window
12.Carson, T.(1990)。What kind of knowing is critical action research?。Theory into Practice,3,167-173。  new window
13.Carson, T.(1989)。Beyond curriculum management。The ATA Magazine,21,52-56。  new window
14.Clandinin, D. J.、Connelly, F. M.(1990)。Narrative, experience, and the study of curriculum。Cambridge Journal of Education,20(3),241-254。  new window
15.Collins, J.、吳怡靜(2003)。攀岩者的領導功課。天下,291,40-46。  延伸查詢new window
16.Doll, W. E.(1993)。Curriculum possibilities in a post-future。Journal of Curriculum Studies,21(3),243-253。  new window
17.Eisner, E. W.(1993)。Invitational conference on hidden consequences of a national curriculum。Educational Researcher,22(7),38-39。  new window
18.Eisner, E.W.(1992)。Educational reform and the ecology of schooling。Teachers College Record,93,610-627。  new window
19.Ericson, D. P.、Ellett, F. S.(2002)。The question of the student in educational reform。Educational Policy Analysis Archives,10(31)。  new window
20.Greene, M.(1988)。Tne artistic-aesthetic and curriculum。Curriculum Inquiry,6(4),283-296。  new window
21.Goff, Katherine E.(1998)。Chaos, Collaboration, and Curriculum: A Deliberative Process。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,14(1),29-42。  new window
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23.Lewis, M.(1990)。Interrupting patriarchy: Politics, resistance, and transformation in the feminist classroom。Harvard Educational Review,60(4),467-488。  new window
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27.Pinar, W. F.(1999)。Not Burdens--Breakthroughs。Curriculum Inquiry,29(3),365-367。  new window
28.Pinar, W. F.(1988)。Autobiography and the architecture of self。JCT,8(1),7-36。  new window
29.Portelli, J. P.(1987)。Perspectives and imperatives on defining curriculum。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,2(4),354-367。  new window
30.Schubert, W. H.、Schubert, A.(1981)。Toward curricula that are of, by, and therefore for students。JCT,3(1),239-251。  new window
31.Starratt, R.(1989)。Knowing at the level of sympathy: A curriculum challenge。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,4(3),271-281。  new window
32.Stinson, S.(1985)。Curriculum and the morality of aesthetics。JCJ,6(3),66-83。  new window
33.Winters, M.(1990)。The development and design of curriculum guides: A look back and look forward。CASCD Journal,1990(Winter),3-11。  new window
34.Wraga, W. G.(1996)。Toward a curriculum theory for the new century: Essay review of Patric Slattery, Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era。Curriculum Studies,28(4),463-474。  new window
35.Wraga, W. G.、Hlebowitsh, P. S.(2003)。Toward a renaissance in curriculum theory and development in USA。Journal of Curriculum Studies,35(4),425-437。  new window
36.Greene, Maxine(1971)。Curriculum and consciousness。Teachers College Record,73(2),253-270。  new window
37.何乏筆(20040200)。絕望與激昂之間--阿多諾哲學的當代啟示。當代,80=198,25-45。  延伸查詢new window
38.鄒皙(20040300)。「詮釋性交談」與「普遍語用學」--論伽達瑪與哈伯瑪斯論辯案例中「語言遊戲」之意蘊。當代,81=199,60-69。  延伸查詢new window
39.陳美如(20040100)。側寫一位教師與異文化的相遇--從理解、行動到發現。教育研究,117,22-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
40.黃光雄、周淑卿(19920600)。英國國定課程評析。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所集刊,34,181-201。  延伸查詢new window
41.翁開誠(2002)。主體性的探究與實踐編者序。應用心理研究,16,19-21。  延伸查詢new window
42.郭丁瑩(2003)。教師的多維影像:教師角色的社會學論述。國立台北師範學院學報,16(2),161-186。  延伸查詢new window
43.范信賢(20011100)。「文本」:後現代思潮下對「教材」概念的省思。國教學報,13,169-183。  延伸查詢new window
44.Nicholls, J. G.、Thorkildsen, T. A.(1989)。Intellectual conventions versus matters of substance: Elementary school students as curriculum theorists。American Education Research Journal,26,533-544。  new window
45.黃譯瑩(20020300)。系統典範作為引發典範躍遷的一種可能--以系統典範觀點探究「統整課程之課程發展」為例。科學教育學刊,10(1),21-41。new window  延伸查詢new window
46.喻肇青(2000)。家應該充滿關係,而非充滿東西。康健,26,64-66。  延伸查詢new window
47.Pinar, W. F.(1980)。The trial, from life history and educational experience。The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing,2(2),159-212。  new window
48.Spehler, R. M.、Slattery, P.(1999)。Voices of imagination: The artist as prophet in the process of social change。International Journal of Leadership in Education,2(1),1-12。  new window
49.Thomas, T. P.、Schubert, W. H.(1997)。Recent curriculum theory: Proposals for understanding, critical praxis, inquiry and expansion。Educational Theory,47(2),261-285。  new window
50.陳美如(2003)。評鑑猶如一趟永無止境的旅程--教師面對課程評鑑的思考。教師天地,122,61-65。  延伸查詢new window
51.李鑑慧(20031200)。知者無罪:海登懷特的歷史哲學。臺灣社會研究,52,1-55。new window  延伸查詢new window
52.周明泉(20040100)。伽達瑪[Hans-Georg Gadamer]「哲學詮釋」與哈伯瑪斯[Jurgen Habermas]「批判理論」的論戰--從「真理與方法」開展的論諍。當代,79=197,14-33。  延伸查詢new window
53.單文經(20040300)。論革新課程實驗之難成。教育研究集刊,50(1),1-32。new window  延伸查詢new window
54.游家政(19980700)。建構主義取向課程設計的評析。課程與教學,1(3),31-46+135。new window  延伸查詢new window
55.甄曉蘭(19990500)。知識論之辯證對課程發展的影響。教育資料文摘,43(5)=256,12-18。  延伸查詢new window
56.Shor, I.、Freire, P.(1987)。What is the dialogical method of teaching?。Journal of education,169(3),11-31。  new window
57.歐用生(20001200)。教師是轉型的知識分子--聲音的「政策」與「教學」。國民教育,41(2),2-10。  延伸查詢new window
58.歐用生(20021000)。快樂學習或安樂死?--體驗學習的批判教育學意涵。課程與教學,5(4),107-123。new window  延伸查詢new window
59.Schwab, Joseph J.(1983)。The Practical 4: Something for Curriculum Professors to Do。Curriculum Inquiry,13(3),239-265。  new window
60.Dole, Janice A.、Duffy, Gerald G.、Roehler, Laura R.、Pearson, P. David(1991)。Moving from the Old to the New: Research on Reading Comprehension Instruction。Review of Educational Research,61(2),239-264。  new window
61.陳美如(20051000)。課程發展已逝?--課程發展與課程理解的關係探究。課程與教學,8(4),165-177。new window  延伸查詢new window
62.Buckingham, D.(1996)。Critical pedagogy and media education: A theory in search of a practice。Journal of Curriculum Studies,28(6),627-650。  new window
63.Goodson, I.(1989)。Curriculum reform and curriculum theory: a case of historical amnesia。Cambridge Journal of Education,19(2),131-141。  new window
64.Connelly, F. M.、Clandinin, D. J.(1990)。Stories of experience and narrative inquiry。Educational Researcher,19(5),2-14。  new window
65.周淑卿(20020300)。教師與學生在課程發展歷程中的處境--系統論與概念重建論的觀點。教育研究集刊,48(1),133-151。new window  延伸查詢new window
66.黃嘉雄(20040300)。釐清泰勒的課程評鑑觀。國立臺北師範學院學報. 教育類,17(1),27-50。new window  延伸查詢new window
67.鍾鴻銘(20040300)。H. M. Kliebard的課程史研究及其啟示。教育研究集刊,50(1),91-118。new window  延伸查詢new window
68.Atkins, E.(1988)。Reframing curriculum theory in terms of interpretation and practice: A hermeneutical approach。Journal of Curriculum Studies,20(5),437-448。  new window
69.周珮儀(20030900)。後現代課程取向的理論探究。國立臺北師範學院學報. 教育類,16(2),111-138。new window  延伸查詢new window
70.徐嘉卉(2003)。全國教改大調查。遠見雜誌,200,120-127。  延伸查詢new window
71.宋文里(19961200)。以啟迪探究法重寫碟仙。本土心理學研究,6,61-143。new window  延伸查詢new window
72.宋文里(20040200)。我們的小孩--一種「後學」的前言。教育研究月刊,118,55-66。new window  延伸查詢new window
73.方德隆(20010400)。學校本位課程發展的理論基礎。課程與教學,4(2),1-24+153。new window  延伸查詢new window
74.陳麗華(19970900)。情境模式的教學設計。教育資料與研究,18,26-34。new window  延伸查詢new window
75.宋文里(20021200)。敘事與意識--另一個對話的位置。應用心理研究,16,157-165。new window  延伸查詢new window
76.喻肇青(20010500)。向孩子學習:一個「人與空間」關係的環境教育行動研究。藝術教育研究,1,43-77。new window  延伸查詢new window
77.張芬芬(19971200)。國小新生班級常規學習中的潛在課程及其省思--由Philip W. Jackson的觀點談起。初等教育學刊,6,111-126。new window  延伸查詢new window
78.霍秉坤、黃顯華(20040300)。課程領域中應用範式概念之爭議。教育研究集刊,50(1),33-62。new window  延伸查詢new window
79.林安梧(20020800)。論「教育改革」及其相關的「文化土壤」與「心靈機制」問題。教育研究月刊,100,101-107。new window  延伸查詢new window
80.宋文里(20010300)。物的意義:關於碟仙的符號學心理學初探。應用心理研究,9,189-214。new window  延伸查詢new window
81.夏林清(20021200)。尋找一個對話的位置--基進教育與社會學習歷程。應用心理研究,16,119-156。new window  延伸查詢new window
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