

題名:後現代課程理論之研究 : 一種有機典範的課程觀
作者:黃永和 引用關係
  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(21) 博士論文(16) 專書(1) 專書論文(1)
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1.Johnson, M. Jr.(1967)。Definitions and Models in Curriculum Theory。Educational Theory,17(2),127-140。  new window
2.王紅宇(1995)。新的知識觀與課程觀。台海兩岸,159-164。  延伸查詢new window
3.李軍(1999)。關于跨世紀素質教育課程改革的思考。教學與管理,10,5-6+12。  延伸查詢new window
4.何法信(1998)。道爾頓與近代科學原子論。化學通報,1998(7)。  延伸查詢new window
5.林玉華(19800600)。科學管理先驅者管理理論之研究。法商學報,15,35-51。  延伸查詢new window
6.周德海(1999)。論愛因斯坦的實在概念。自然辯證法研究,15(12),15-19。  延伸查詢new window
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12.黃永和(19961000)。認知科學的哲學批判。高市鐸聲,7(1),67-69。  延伸查詢new window
13.黃永和(19980200)。「課程實施」的三種觀點及其對課程改革之啟示。教師之友,39(1),14-21。  延伸查詢new window
14.黃永和(1999)。「情境學習:合法周邊參與」一書中的要意與啓示。國教之聲,32(3),47-53。  延伸查詢new window
15.黃富順(20000300)。新世紀的學習革命。成人教育,54,28-34。  延伸查詢new window
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28.Johnson, J. L.、Burton, B. K.(1994)。Chaos and complexity theory for management: Caveat emptor。Journal of Management Inquiry,3(4),320-328。  new window
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34.黃永和(19980800)。遷移理論及其影響因素之探討。人文及社會學科教學通訊,9(2)=50,165-178。  延伸查詢new window
35.黃永和(19971200)。「教學表徵」:教師的教學法寶。國教世紀,178,17-24。  延伸查詢new window
36.Ornstein, A. C.(1994)。The textbook-driven curriculum。Peabody Journal of Education,69(3),70-85。  new window
37.Cziko, G. A.(1989)。Unpredictability and indeterminism in human behavior。Arguments and implications for educational research,18(3),17-25。  new window
38.郭玉霞(19960600)。教師在課程實施中所扮演的角色。國民教育研究集刊,4,53-59。new window  延伸查詢new window
39.You, Yeongmahn(1993)。What Can We Learn from Chaos Theory? An Alternative Approach to Instructional Systems Design。Educational Technology Research and Development,41(3),17-32。  new window
40.Heshusius, L.(1989)。The Newtonian mechanistic paradigm, special education, and contours of alternatives: An overview。Journal of Learning Disabilities,22(7),403-415。  new window
41.黃永和(19990200)。課程統整的理論與方式之探討。新竹師院學報,12,231-260。new window  延伸查詢new window
42.鍾維光(19911000)。混沌學與當代社會哲學--傳統社會哲學面臨的一次新挑戰。當代,66,82-89。  延伸查詢new window
43.郝柏林(19910200)。世界是必然還是偶然的?--混沌現象的啟示。科技文化,3,85-96。new window  延伸查詢new window
44.陳美玉(19960400)。專業自主教師的角色意涵。教師天地,81,63-69。  延伸查詢new window
45.Ennis, C. D.(1992)。Reconceptualizing learning as a dynamical system。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,7(2),115-130。  new window
46.但昭偉、邱世明(19980600)。今日教育改革的基本性質--典範的轉移。教育資料集刊,23,1-12。new window  延伸查詢new window
47.馮朝霖(19940900)。自我創化與教育--自我組織理論之教育學義涵初探。教育與心理研究,17,263-282。new window  延伸查詢new window
48.Jonassen, D. H.(1997)。Instructional Design Models for Well-structured and Ill-structured Problem-solving Learning Outcomes。Educational Technology Research & Development,45(1),65-94。  new window
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