

題名:傳播批判理論 : 從解構到主體
作者:張錦華 引用關係
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1.馮建三(2000)。Bourdieu對文化與媒體研究的啟示。傳播研究簡訊,21,11-12。  延伸查詢new window
2.江宜樺(20000200)。政治判斷如何可能﹖--簡述漢娜.鄂蘭[Arendt, Hannah]晚年作品的關懷。當代,32=150,28-43。  延伸查詢new window
3.林鶴玲(20011200)。虛擬互動空間設計中的權力及控制:一個MUD社會創設的經驗。臺灣社會學,2,1-53。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.洪貞玲、劉昌德(20040100)。線上全球公共領域?--網路的潛能、實踐與限制。資訊社會研究,6,341-364。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.洪鎌德、黃德怡(19940600)。葛蘭西[Antonio Gramsci]國家觀的析評。中山社會科學學報,8(2),1-40。  延伸查詢new window
6.徐頌仁(19961000)。阿多諾[Theodor W. Adorno]論音樂的功能。藝術評論,7,11-18。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.翁秀琪、陳慧敏(20000700)。社會結構、語言機制與認同建構--大眾媒介如何「編織」美麗島事件並構塑民眾的族群與國家認同。傳播研究集刊,4,1-162。  延伸查詢new window
8.張錦華(19901100)。批判傳播理論和經驗研究。當代,55,140-149。  延伸查詢new window
9.張錦華(19910900)。Althusser's Theory of Ideology and Critical Communication Studies。國立政治大學學報,63,573-596。  延伸查詢new window
10.張錦華(19910100)。從典範觀點論行為主義傳播理論之建構。淡江學報,30,63-70。  延伸查詢new window
11.張錦華(19910300)。電視與大眾文化。新聞學研究,44,57-71。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.許津橋(19870225)。路易.阿圖舍[Louis Althusser]:問題與線索。中國論壇,23(10)=274,53-64。  延伸查詢new window
13.陳志賢(20050400)。商業電視是樁既剝削又歧視的生意?--電視商品閱聽人的生產與家庭論述。新聞學研究,83,167-210。new window  延伸查詢new window
14.馮建三(20030400)。傳播政治經濟學在臺灣的發展。新聞學研究,75,103-140。new window  延伸查詢new window
15.管中祥(20090400)。光影游擊最前線:臺灣另類媒體2007-2008。新聞學研究,99,201-220。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.劉君燦(19810400)。孔恩(Thomas Kuhn)的科技史觀概述。中國論壇,12(1),52-55。  延伸查詢new window
17.劉慧雯(20081000)。網際網路公共領域角色的反思:以東海劈腿事件與鴻海打壓新聞自由事件為例。新聞學研究,97,45-81。new window  延伸查詢new window
18.劉駿州(19940100)。實證、批判、詮釋--三大方法典範之初探。新聞學研究,48,153-167。new window  延伸查詢new window
19.羅燦煐(20030700)。線上性別vs.線下性別:網路互動中的性別形構。新聞學研究,76,43-90。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.Abercrombie, N.、Hill, S.、Turner, B. S.(1983)。Determinacy and Indeterminacy in the Theory of Ideology。New Life Review,142,55-66。  new window
21.Ang, I.(1990)。Culture and Communications: Towards an Ethnographic Critique of Media Consumption in the Transnational Media System。European Journal of Communication,5,239-260。  new window
22.Antonio, R. J.(1989)。The Normative Foundations of Emancipatory Theory: Evolutionary Versus Pragmatic Perspectives。American Journal of Sociology,94(4),721-748。  new window
23.Becker, S. L.(1984)。Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British Experience。Critical Studies of Mass Communication,1,66-80。  new window
24.Benhabib, S.(1985)。The Utopian Dimension in Communicative Ethics。New German Critique,35,83-96。  new window
25.Blumler, J. G.(1983)。Communication and Democracy: The Crisis Beyond and The Ferment Within。Journal of Communication,33(3),166-173。  new window
26.Bohman, J. F.(1990)。Communication, Ideology, and Democratic Theory。American Political Science Review,84(1),93-109。  new window
27.Bourdieu, P.(1969)。Intellectual Field and Creative Project。Social Science Information,8(2),89-119。  new window
28.Bourdieu, P.(1989)。Towards a Reflexive Sociology。Sociological Theory,7(1),26-63。  new window
29.Browne, C.(2009)。Pragmatism and Radical Democracy。Critical Horizon,10(1),54-75。  new window
30.Budd, M.、Entman, R. M.、Steinman, C.(1990)。The Affirmative Character of U.S. Cultural Studies。Critical Studies of Mass Communication,7,166-184。  new window
31.Carpini, D. M. X.(2000)。Gen.Com: Youth, Civic Engagement, and the New Information Environment。Political Communication,17,341-349。  new window
32.Carrage, K. M.(1990)。Interpretive Media Study & Interpretive Social Science。Critical Studies of Mass Communication,7,81-96。  new window
33.Chesebro, J.(1984)。The Media Reality: Epistemological Functions of Media in Cultural Systems。Critical Studies of Mass Communication,1,111-130。  new window
34.Connolly, W.(1983)。Discipline, Politics, and Ambiguity。Political Theory,2(3),325-341。  new window
35.Corcoran, Farrel(1984)。Television as Ideological Apparatuses: The Power and the Pleasure。Critical Studies of Mass Communication,1(2),131-145。  new window
36.Curran, J.(1990)。The New Revisionism in Mass Communication Research: A Reappraisal。European Journal of Communication,5,135-164。  new window
37.Dahlgren, P.(1981)。TV News as a Social Relation。Media Culture and Society,3,291-302。  new window
38.Deleuze, G.、Guattari, F.(1981)。Rhizome。Ideology and Consciousness,8。  new window
39.Femia, Joseph(1975)。Hegemony and Consciousness in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci。Political Studies,23(1),29-48。  new window
40.Fiske, J.(1986)。Television: Polysemy and Popularity。Critical Studies of Mass Communication,,3(4),391-408。  new window
41.Foucault, M.(1978)。Politics and the Study of Discourse。Ideology and Consciousness,3,7-26。  new window
42.Foucault, M.(1981)。Questions of Method: An Interview。Ideology & Consciousness,8,3-14。  new window
43.Foucault, M.(1982)。The Subject and Power。Critical Iniquity,8,777-795。  new window
44.Foucault, M.(1984)。The Regard for Truth: An Interview Between Foucault and Francois Ewald。Art and Text,16,20-31。  new window
45.Foucault, M.(1985)。Final Interview。Raritan,5(1),1-13。  new window
46.Fraser, N.(1983)。Foucault's Body Language。Salmagundi,61,55-70。  new window
47.Gans, H.(1983)。News Media, News Policy and Democracy: Research for The Future。Journal of Communication,33(3),174-184。  new window
48.Giddens, A.(1984)。Review Essay: Habermas's Social & Political Theory。American Journal of Sociology,83(1),198-213。  new window
49.Gitlin, T.(1978)。Media Sociology: The Dominant Paradigm。Theory and Society,6,205-253。  new window
50.Grossberg, L.(1984)。Strategics of Marxist Cultural Interpretation。Critical Studies in Mass Communication,1(4),392-421。  new window
51.Grossberg, L.(1986)。Is There Rock After Punk?。Critical Studies in Mass Communication,3(1),50-73。  new window
52.Grossberg, L.(1987)。The Indifference of Television。Screen,28(2),28-45。  new window
53.Habermas, J.(1981)。Modernity Versus Postmodernity。New German Critique,22,3-8。  new window
54.Habermas, J.(1986)。The Genealogical Writing of History: On Some Aporias in Foucault's Theory of Power。Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory,10(1),1-9。  new window
55.Hall, S.(1974)。Media Power: The Double Bind。Journal of Communication,24(4),19-26。  new window
56.Hall, Stuart(1978)。Marxism and Culture。Radical History Review,18,5-14。  new window
57.Hall, S.(1980)。Nicos Poulantzas: State, Power, Socialism。New Left Review,119,60-69。  new window
58.Hall, S.(1980)。Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms。Media Culture and Society,2,57-82。  new window
59.Hall, S.(1984)。The Narrative Construction of Reality: An Interview with Stuart Hall。Southern Review,17(1),3-17。  new window
60.Hall, S.(1986)。On Postmodernism and Articulation: An Interview with Stuart Hall。Journal of Communication Inquiry,10(2),45-60。  new window
61.Hiley, D.(1985)。Foucault and the Question of Enlightenment。Philosophy and Social Criticism,11,63-84。  new window
62.Hirst, P. Q.(1976)。Althusser and the Theory of Ideology。Economy and Society,5(4),385-412。  new window
63.Hoy, D. C.(1981)。Power, Repression, Progress: Foucault, Lukes and the Frankfurt School。Tri-Quarterly,52,43-63。  new window
64.Johnson, J.(1991)。Habermas on Strategic and Communicative Action。Political Theory,19(2),181-201。  new window
65.Kippax, S.(1988)。Woman as Audience: the Experience of Unwaged Women of the Performing Arts。Media, Culture and Society,10,5-21。  new window
66.Knight, G.、Dean, T.(1982)。Myth and the Structure of News。Journal of Communication,32(1),144-161。  new window
67.Krugman, H. E.(1971)。Brain Wave Measures of Media Environment。Journal of Advertising Research,11,3-9。  new window
68.Langer, J.(1981)。Television's Personality System。Media Culture and Society,4,351-365。  new window
69.Lazarsfeld, Paul F.(1941)。Remarks on Administrative and Critical Communications Research。Studies in Philosophy and Social Science,9(1),2-16。  new window
70.Lefort, C.(1978)。Then and Now。Telos,36,29-42。  new window
71.Lembo, R.、Tucker, K. H. Jr.(1990)。Culture, Television, and Opposition: Rethinking Cultural Studies。Critical Studies in Mass Communication,7,97-116。  new window
72.McInnes, N.(1964)。Antonio Gramsci。Survey,53(Oct.),3-15。  new window
73.Mercer, C.(1980)。After Gramsci。Screen Education,36,5-15。  new window
74.Morrow, L.(1988)。1968: Like a Knife Blade, The Year Severed Past From Future。Time,11,16-27。  new window
75.Nash, R.(2003)。Social Explanation and Socialization: on Bourdieu and Structure, Disposition, Practice Scheme。The Sociological Review,51(1),43-62。  new window
76.O'Keefe, D.(1975)。Logical Empiricism and the Study of Human Communication。Speech Monograph,42(3),169-183。  new window
77.O'Shea, A.(1989)。Television as Culture: Not Just Text and Readers。Media, Culture and Society,11,373-379。  new window
78.Rawls, John(1997)。The Idea of Public Reason Revisited。The University of Chicago Law Review,64(3),765-807。  new window
79.Requena, J. G.(1981)。Narrativity/Discursivity in the American Television Film。Screen,22,38-42。  new window
80.Reynolds, J. M.(2004)。"Pragmatic Humanism" in Foucault's Later Work。Canadian Journal of Political Science,37(4),951-977。  new window
81.Rodger, J.(1985)。On the Degeneration of the Public Sphere。Political Studies,33,205-217。  new window
82.Salamini, Leonardo(1974)。Gramsci and Marxist Sociology of Knowledge: an Analysis of Hegemony-Ideology-Knowledge。Sociological Quarterly,15(3),359-380。  new window
83.Shah, D. V.、Kwak, N.、Holbert, R. L.(2001)。"Connecting" and "Disconnecting" with Civic Life: Patterns of Internet Use and the Production of Social Capital。Political Communication,18(2),141-162。  new window
84.Shilling, C.(2004)。Physical Capital and Situated Action: A New Direction for Corporeal Sociology。British Journal of Sociology of Education,25(4),473-487。  new window
85.Shoemaker, P. J.(1984)。Media Treatment of Deviant Political Groups。Journalism Quarterly,61(1),66-82。  new window
86.Sholle, D.(1991)。Reading the Audience, Reading Resistance: Prospects and Problems。Journal of Film and Video,43(1/2),80-89。  new window
87.Slack, J. D.、Aoolr, M.(1983)。The Political Epistemological Constituents of Critical Communication Research。Journal of Communication,33(3),208-218。  new window
88.Snizek, W. E.(1975)。The Relationship Between Theory and Research。The Sociological Quarterly,16,415-428。  new window
89.Sunstein, C. R.(2007)。The Polarization of Extremes。The Chronicle of Higher Education,54(16),B9。  new window
90.Taylor, Charles(1984)。Foucault on Freedom and Truth。Political Theory,12(2),152-183。  new window
91.Williams, R.(1973)。Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory。New Left Review,82,3-16。  new window
92.Wolin, R.(1987)。Critical Theory and the Dialectic of Rationalism。New German Critique,41,23-52。  new window
93.Bourdieu, Pierre(1987)。What Makes a Social Class? On the Theoretical and Practical Existence of Groups。Berkeley Journal of Sociology,32,1-17。  new window
94.方念萱、蘇彥豪(19980100)。網路傳播中的對話與對峙--以女性主義連線版的言說為例。新聞學研究,56,183-218。new window  延伸查詢new window
95.張錦華(19900600)。Strategies of Cultural and Communication Studies: Carey, Hall, and Foucault。國立政治大學學報,61,747-764。  new window
96.林富美(20060700)。當新聞記者成為名嘴:名聲、專業與勞動商品化的探討。新聞學研究,88,43-81。new window  延伸查詢new window
97.Brown, J. D.、Bybee, C. R.、Wearden, S. T.、Straughan, D. M.(1987)。Invisible Power: Newspaper News Sources and the Limits of Diversity。Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,64(1),45-54。  new window
98.翁秀琪(19930600)。閱聽人研究的新趨勢--收訊分析的理論與方法。新聞學研究,47,1-15。new window  延伸查詢new window
99.Tuchman, G.(1978)。Professionalism as an agent of legitimation。Journal of Communication,28(2),106-113。  new window
100.王毓莉(19980700)。中共改革開放政策對電視事業經營之影響。新聞學研究,57,27-49。new window  延伸查詢new window
101.黃瑞祺(19820400)。哈伯瑪斯(Jurgen Habermas):社會批判理論大師。聯合月刊,9,128-135。  延伸查詢new window
102.Garham, Nicholas(1979)。Contribution to a political economy of mass communication。Media, Culture and Society,1(2),123-146。  new window
103.吳介民、李丁讚(20050600)。傳遞共通感受:林合社區公共領域修辭模式的分析。臺灣社會學,9,119-163。new window  延伸查詢new window
104.Hall, Stuart(1985)。Signification, Representation, Ideology: Althusser and the Post‐Structuralist Debates。Critical Studies in Mass Communication,2(2),91-141。  new window
105.張文強(20021000)。媒介組織內部權力運作與新聞工作自主--封建采邑內的權力控制與反抗。新聞學研究,73,29-61。new window  延伸查詢new window
106.張錦華(19920700)。電視與文化研究。廣播與電視,1,1-13。new window  延伸查詢new window
107.張錦華(20000700)。1982至1999臺灣瘦身廣告研究--多面向的研究。廣告學研究,15,67-114。new window  延伸查詢new window
108.張錦華(19911200)。批判傳播理論對傳播理論及社會發展之貢獻。新聞學研究,45,57-79。new window  延伸查詢new window
109.張錦華(19970700)。從公共領域理論及多元化報導觀點探討我國選舉新聞報導--以78年,81年,以及84年選舉新聞中的統獨議題為例。新聞學研究,55,183-202。new window  延伸查詢new window
110.蔡筱穎(19950500)。電視已成為壓迫的機器--波笛爾[Pierre Bourdieu]訪問記。當代,109,87-93。  延伸查詢new window
111.劉維公(19980600)。習性(Habitus)與偶成性(Kontingenz):P. Bourdieu與N. Luhmann的理論介紹。國立臺灣大學社會學刊,26,1+3-51。new window  延伸查詢new window
112.Fraser, N.(1981)。Foucault on modern power: Empirical insights and normative confusions。Praxis International,1(3),272-287。  new window
113.苑舉正(19980700)。典範社會學的限制。臺灣社會學研究,2,173-200。new window  延伸查詢new window
114.Rawls, John(1985)。Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical。Philosophy and Public Affairs,14(3),223-251。  new window
115.楊意菁(20040400)。民意與公共性:批判解讀臺灣電視談話節目。新聞學研究,79,1-47。new window  延伸查詢new window
116.Adorno, Theodor W.、Rabinbach, Anson G.(1975)。Culture Industry Reconsidered。New German Critique,6,12-19。  new window
117.Adorno, Theodor W.、李紀舍(19960700)。文化工業再探。中外文學,25(2)=290,146-153。new window  延伸查詢new window
118.洪鎌德(19951200)。卜地峨社會學理論之析評。國立臺灣大學社會學刊,24,頁1-34。new window  延伸查詢new window
119.翁秀琪(19940100)。我國婦女運動的媒介真實和「社會真實」。新聞學研究,48,193-236。new window  延伸查詢new window
120.羅燦煐(19980700)。性暴力的文化再現:港臺強暴電影的文本分析。新聞學研究,57,159-190。new window  延伸查詢new window
121.吳秀瑾(20071200)。身體在世:傅柯和布爾迪厄身體觀和施為者之對比。臺灣社會研究季刊,68,75-117。new window  延伸查詢new window
122.黃囇莉、張錦華(20050900)。臺灣民眾的身體意象及其預測因子:人際壓力、媒體信任作為中介變項。中華心理學刊,47(3),269-287。new window  延伸查詢new window
123.郭良文(19980700)。臺灣近年來廣告中認同之建構--解析商品化社會的認同與傳播意涵。新聞學研究,57,127-157。new window  延伸查詢new window
124.楊意菁(20081200)。網路民意的公共意涵:公眾、公共領域與溝通審議。中華傳播學刊,14,115-167。new window  延伸查詢new window
125.張錦華(19900100)。傳播效果理論批判。新聞學研究,42,103-121。new window  延伸查詢new window
126.張錦華(19870500)。批評理論:賀爾的文化研究簡介。新聞學研究,39,91-116。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Allen, R. C.(1990)。The Rediscovery of the Audience in Television Studies。the 2nd Symposium in Screen and Monitor。  new window
2.Fiske, J.(1990)。Material Image。the 2nd Symposium in Screen and Monitor: A Critical Investigation of Image Culture。  new window
3.Golding, P.、Murdock, G.(1978)。Ideology and the Mass Media: Problems of Research and Theory。the British Sociological Association Annual Conference。  new window
1.江詩菁(2004)。宰制與反抗:兩大報系與黨外雜誌之文化爭奪(1975~1989)(碩士論文)。臺南師範學院。  延伸查詢new window
2.周慶祥(2006)。黨國體制下的臺灣本土報業:從文化霸權觀點解析威權體制與吳三連《自立晚報》(1959-1988)關係(博士論文)。世新大學。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.林美雅(2009)。探討瘦身女性在多重論述場域中的主體實踐:以台北市產婦「坐月子」為例(碩士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
4.侯志凱(2008)。網路線上遊戲網際權力分析:以《魔獸世界》為例(碩士論文)。國立臺灣師範大學,臺北市。  延伸查詢new window
5.張彥南(2007)。傅柯晚期論主體與自我技術(碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學。  延伸查詢new window
6.黃啟龍(2001)。網路上的公共領域實踐--以弱勢社群網站為例(碩士論文)。世新大學。  延伸查詢new window
7.黃駿逸(2007)。瘦身管理之社會學初探:一個階級與性別的觀察(碩士論文)。國立臺北大學。  延伸查詢new window
8.廖崧傑(2006)。二二八事件期間台灣新生報的角色與作為分析(碩士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
9.蔡其達(1989)。葛蘭西文化霸權概念之研討(碩士論文)。輔仁大學。  延伸查詢new window
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