

題名:「文明」之路--第3卷, 新自由主義秩序下的地方社會(1999迄今)
作者:黃應貴 引用關係
  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(19) 博士論文(1) 專書(0) 專書論文(12)
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3.Comaroff, John L.、Comaroff, Jean(2000)。Millennial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism。Public Culture,12(2)。  new window
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15.Sahlins, Marshall D.(2011)。What Kinship Is (Part One)。Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute,17(1),2-19。  new window
16.Sahlins, Marshall(2001)。What Kinship Is (Part Two)。Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute,17(2),227-242。  new window
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