

作者:夏曉鵑 引用關係
書刊名:發展研究與當代臺灣社會;簡旭伸, 王振寰 (主編)
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1.陳正芬(20111200)。管理或剝削?家庭外籍看護工雇主的生存之道。臺灣社會研究,85,89-155。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Tormey, A.(2007)。Everyone with eyes can see the problem: Moral citizens and the space of Irish nationhood。International Migration,45(3),69-100。  new window
3.王宏仁、白朗潔(20070300)。移工、跨國仲介與制度設計:誰從臺越國際勞動力流動獲利?。臺灣社會研究,65,35-66。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.謝立功、邱丞爗(20051200)。我國移民政策之檢討。中央警察大學國境警察學報,4,57-94。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.陳宗韓(19971200)。臺灣外籍勞工政策之政治經濟分析。社會文化學報,5,105-121。  延伸查詢new window
6.成露茜(20021200)。跨國移工、臺灣建國意識與公民運動。臺灣社會研究,48,15-43。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.吳挺鋒(20020900)。臺灣外籍勞工的抵抗與適應--周休作為一個鬥爭場域。香港社會科學學報,23,103-150。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.Hugo, Graeme(1995)。Labour Export from Indonesia: An Overview。ASEAN Economic Bulletin,12(2),275-298。  new window
9.Constable, Nicole(2009)。The Commodification of Intimacy: Marriage, Sex, and Reproductive Labor。Annual Review of Anthropology,38,49-64。  new window
10.潘淑滿(20080600)。婚姻移民、公民身分與社會福利權。社區發展季刊,122,136-158。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.趙彥寧(20040600)。現代性想像與國境管理的衝突:以中國婚姻移民女性為研究案例。臺灣社會學刊,32,59-102。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.廖元豪(20060900)。全球化趨勢中婚姻移民之人權保障:全球化、臺灣新國族主義、人權論述的關係。思與言,44(3),81-129。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan(2007)。Imaged and Imagined Threat to the Nation: The Media Construction of the 'Foreign Brides' Phenomenon' as Social Problems in Taiwan。Inter-Asia Cultural Studies,8(1),55-85。  new window
14.藍佩嘉(20061200)。合法的奴工,法外的自由:外籍勞工的控制與出走。臺灣社會研究,64,107-150。new window  延伸查詢new window
15.夏曉鵑(20060300)。新移民運動的形成--差異政治、主體化與社會性運動。臺灣社會研究季刊,61,1-71。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.曾嬿芬(20060300)。誰可以打開國界的門?--移民政策的階級主義。臺灣社會研究,61,73-107。new window  延伸查詢new window
17.龔尤倩(20021200)。外勞政策的利益結構與翻轉的行政實驗初探--以臺北市的外勞行政、文化實踐為例。臺灣社會研究,48,235-287。new window  延伸查詢new window
18.曾嬿芬(20040600)。引進外籍勞工的國族政治。臺灣社會學刊,32,1-58。new window  延伸查詢new window
19.劉梅君(20000600)。「廉價外勞」論述的政治經濟學批判。臺灣社會研究季刊,38,59-90。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.林津如(20000900)。「外傭政策」與女人之戰:女性主義策略再思考。臺灣社會研究,39,93-151。new window  延伸查詢new window
21.陳小紅(20000300)。婚配移民:臺灣海峽兩岸聯姻之研究。亞洲研究,34,35-68。new window  延伸查詢new window
22.趙彥寧(20050900)。社福資源分配的戶籍邏輯與國境管理的限制:由大陸配偶的入出境管控機制談起。臺灣社會研究季刊,59,43-90。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.夏曉鵑、亞太移工工作團(20021200)。菲律賓移駐勞工在臺灣的處境。臺灣社會研究季刊,48,219-234。new window  延伸查詢new window
24.夏曉鵑(20140900)。跨國草根移工運動的形成:香港「亞洲移工協調會」案例研究。臺灣社會研究季刊,96,1-47。new window  延伸查詢new window
25.夏曉鵑、王增勇(20100900)。逾期居留移民之實證研究。全國律師,14(9),5-49。  延伸查詢new window
26.Burawoy, Michael(1976)。The Function of Reproduction of Migrant Labor: Comparative Material from Southern Africa and the United States。American Journal of Sociology,81(5),1050-87。  new window
27.Faist, Thomas(2001)。Dual Citizenship as Overlapping Membership。Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in international Migration and Ethnic Relations,3(1),1-41。  new window
28.Kim, Hyun Mee(2007)。The state and migrant women: Diverging hopes in the making of multicultural families in contemporary Korea。Korea Journal,47(4),100-122。  new window
29.Williams, Catharina P.(2008)。Female transnational migration, religion and subjectivity: The case of Indonesian domestic workers。Asia Pacific Viewpoints,9(3),344-353。  new window
30.蔡明璋、陳嘉慧(19970900)。國家、外勞政策與市場實踐:經濟社會學的分析。臺灣社會研究季刊,27,69-95。new window  延伸查詢new window
31.Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan(2009)。Foreign Brides, Multiple Citizenship and the Immigrant Movement in Taiwan。Asian and Pacific Migration Journal,18(1),17-46。  new window
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11.Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan(2010)。For Better or for Worse: Comparative Research on Equity and Access for Marriage Migrants。Hong Kong:Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants。  new window
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18.夏曉鵑(20020000)。流離尋岸:資本國際化下的「外籍新娘」現象。臺北:臺灣社會研究雜誌社。new window  延伸查詢new window
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1.Tseng, Yen-feng(2004)。Politics of Importing Foreigners: Foreign Labor Policy in Taiwan。Migration Between States and Markets。Sydney:Ashgate Publishing Limited。  new window
2.Bultron, Ramon、張星戈(2008)。移工運動的奮鬥與發展:菲律賓經驗。跨界流離:全球化下的移民與移工。台北:台灣社會研究雜誌社。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Constable, Nicole(2010)。Migrant workers at the many states of protest in Hong Kong。Migrant workers in Asia: Distant divides, intimate connections。Routledge。  new window
4.Tujan, Antonio Jr.(20080000)。勞工遷移、彈性化與全球化。跨界流離 : 全球化下的移民與移工。臺北:臺灣社會研究雜誌。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Hochschild, A. R.(2000)。Global care chains and emotional surplus value。On the edge: Living with global capitalism。London:Jonathan Cape。  new window
6.夏曉鵑(2010)。全球化下臺灣的移民/移工問題。臺灣的社會問題。臺北:巨流圖書。new window  延伸查詢new window
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8.Bonacich, Edna、夏曉鵑、Cheng, Lucie(2012)。國際勞工流移之理論取徑。理論與實踐的開拓:成露茜論文集。  延伸查詢new window
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11.Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan(2012)。The Tug of War over Multiculturalism: Contestation Between Governing and Empowering Immigrants in Taiwan。Migration and Diversity in Asian Contexts。Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies。  new window
12.Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan(2015)。Reproduction Crisis, Illegality, and Migrant Women under Capitalist Globalization: the Case of Taiwan。Encountering the State: Intimate Labor Migration Across Asia。University of Pennsylvania Press。  new window
13.Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan、Huang, Lola Chih-Hsien(2010)。Taiwan。For Better or for Worse: Comparative Research on Equity and Access for Marriage Migrants。Hong Kong:Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants。  new window
14.Wang, Frank T. Y.(2010)。From Undutiful Daughter-in-Law to Cold-blooded Migrant Household Worker。Transnational Carework-Legal Frameworks, Practice in Society, Socio-political Challenges。VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften。  new window
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