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1.Dewey, J.(1911)。Brief Studies of Realism。Journal of Philosophy,8。  new window
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21.Hughes, E. R.(1938)。The Invasion of China by the Western World。Macmillan Co.。  new window
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27.Russell, Bertrand(1980)。An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth。Unwin Paperbacks。  new window
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44.Blewett, John(1973)。John Dewey: His Thought and Influence。Greenwood Press。  new window
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100.Russell, Bertrand(1993)。Our Knowledge of the External World。Routledge。  new window
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102.Russell, Bertrand(2005)。Justice in War-time。Spokesman Books。  new window
103.Russell, Bertrand(1997)。Principle of Social Reconstruction。Routledge。  new window
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112.Russell, Bertrand(1924)。How to be Free and Happy。The Rand School of Social Science。  new window
113.Russell, Bertrand(2004)。What I believe。Routledge。  new window
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176.Schilpp, Paul Arthur、Hahn, Lewis Edwin(1989)。The Philosophy of John Dewey。Open Court Publishing Company。  new window
177.Hill, C.(1991)。Word and Object in Hussert, Frege, and Russell。Ohio Univ. Press。  new window
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198.Russell, Bertrand(1948)。Power: A New Social Analysis。George Allen & Unwin Ltd.。  new window
1.蔣夢麟(2006)。北京大學和學生運動。西潮與新潮。東方出版社。  延伸查詢new window
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