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1.Wraga, W. G.(1998)。''Interesting, If True'': Historical Perspectives on the ''Reconceptualization'' of Curriculum Studies。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,14(1),5-28。  new window
2.黃繼仁(20051000)。Joseph Schwab的課程史定位評議。課程與教學,8(4),19-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Hlebowitsh, P. S.(1992)。Amid behavioural and behaviouristic objectives: Reappraising appraisals of Tyler rationale。Journal of Curriculum Studies,24,553-547。  new window
4.鄭玉卿(20120200)。戰後「教育即生活」理念在臺灣的實驗--以臺北成功中學的課程為例。教育資料與研究,104,51-75。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.曾濟群(2002)。國立編譯館的回顧與前瞻:回首來時路,燈火闌珊處--在國立編譯館的日子。國立編譯館通訊,15(1),2-9。  延伸查詢new window
6.周愚文(20001200)。美國教育史學發展初探(1842-1999)。國立編譯館館刊,29(2),229-267。  延伸查詢new window
7.林麗雲(20000400)。為臺灣傳播研究另闢蹊徑?: 傳播史研究與研究途徑。新聞學研究,63,35-54。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.楊智穎(20110600)。為臺灣課程領域的發展史研究另闢蹊徑。教育研究與發展期刊,7(2),1-26。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.Iggers,Georg G.、蒲慕州(19790100)。「蘭克史學的理論與實際」緒論。食貨月刊,8(9/10),433-462。  延伸查詢new window
10.翁秀琪(20000400)。多元典範衝擊下傳播研究方法的省思:從口述歷史在傳播研究中的應用談起。新聞學研究,63,9-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.張嘉育(20070700)。改進課程研究:爭議、問題與省思。課程與教學季刊,10(3),63-74。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.王晴佳(19990600)。如何看待後現代主義對史學的挑戰?。新史學,10(2),107-144。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.吳清山(19980600)。解嚴以後教育改革運動之探究。教育資料集刊,23,261-275。new window  延伸查詢new window
14.洪若烈(19890600)。國民小學社會科課程修訂意見之調查研究。國教學報,2,51-71。  延伸查詢new window
15.Bellack, A. A.(1969)。History of curriculum thought and practice。Review of Educational Research,39(3),283-292。  new window
16.Hlebowitsh, P. S.(1999)。More on ''The Burdens of the New Curricularist''。Curriculum Inquiry,29(3),369-373。  new window
17.Franklin, B. M.(1982)。The social efficiency movement reconsidered: Curriculum change in Minneapolis, 1917-1950。Curriculum Inquiry,12(1),9-33。  new window
18.林瑞榮(20120500)。我國鄉土教育沿革與發展趨勢。教育資料與研究,105,161-184。new window  延伸查詢new window
19.金觀濤、劉青峰(20070300)。歷史研究的客觀性--論觀念史圖像中的真實。新史學,18(1),87-119。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.游鑑明(20040900)。請聽我的聲音--回應傅大為教授「誰會是誰的工具?口述史、女性主義與阿媽的故事」。當代,87=205,140-143。  延伸查詢new window
21.楊智穎(20021200)。鄉土語言課程的實施策略與相關措施之研究--以三所國小為例。臺灣人文. 臺灣師範大學,7,207-222。  延伸查詢new window
22.劉美慧、洪麗卿(20100900)。國小社會課程本土化論述變遷歷程之分析。課程研究,5(2),109-135。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.謝福生(20020100)。國民中學統編本教科書編(輯)修(訂)工作的回顧。國立編譯館通訊,15(1)=54,10-19。  延伸查詢new window
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26.Chung, S.、Walsh, D. J.(2000)。Unpacking child-centeredness: A history of meanings。Journal of Curriculum Studies,32(2),215-234。  new window
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28.Franklin, B. M.(1977)。Curriculum history: It's nature and boundaries。Curriculum inquiry,7(1),67-79。  new window
29.Franklin, B. M.(1999)。The state curriculum history。History of Education,28,459-476。  new window
30.Giroux, H.(1988)。Schooling and the culture of positivism: Note of the death history。Educational Theory,29(4),263-284。  new window
31.Green, B.(1994)。Post-curriculum history?。Curriculum Perspective,25(1),51-54。  new window
32.Hamilton, D.(1980)。Amam Smith and the moral economy of the classroom system。Journal of curriculum studies,3(1)。  new window
33.Hlebowitsh, P. S.(1995)。Interpretation of the Tyler Rationale: A reply Kliebard。Journal of Curriculum Studies,27(1),89-94。  new window
34.Montgomery, D.(1981)。History as human agency。Monthly Review,33,42-48。  new window
35.Page, R. N.(2010)。Struggle: A history of mere ideas。Curriculum Inquiry,40(2),205-220。  new window
36.Pinar, W. F.(2005)。Complicated conversation: Occasions for "intellectual breakthrough" in internationalization of curriculum studies。Journal of Curriculum Studies,1(1),1-26。  new window
37.Posner, G. J.(1999)。Making sense of diversity: The current state of curriculum research。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,4(4),340-361。  new window
38.Reid, W. A.(1998)。Erasmus, Gates, and the end of curriculum。Journal of Curriculum Studies,30,499-501。  new window
39.Smith, B. O.(1976)。Comments on professor Huebner's paper。Curriculum inquiry,6(2),167-170。  new window
40.Stengel, B. S.(1997)。Academic discipline and school subject: Contestable curriculum concepts。Journal of curriculum,29(5),585-602。  new window
41.Tyack, D. B.(1976)。Ways of seeing: An essay on the history of compulsory schooling。Harvard of Educational Review,46(3),355-389。  new window
42.Whelan, M.(2007)。Social studies for social reform: Charles Beard's vision of history and social studies education。Theory and Research in Social Education,25,228-315。  new window
43.卯靜儒、張建成(20050600)。在地化與全球化之間:解嚴後臺灣課程改革論述的擺盪。臺灣教育社會學研究,5(1),39-76。new window  延伸查詢new window
44.司琦(19910600)。四十年來我國國民小學社會科教科書的演進。教育資料集刊,16,51-101。new window  延伸查詢new window
45.宋明娟(20070600)。重看Ralph Tyler的課程思想。教育研究與發展期刊,3(2),83-112。new window  延伸查詢new window
46.何力友(20061100)。戰後初期臺灣國民學校教科書初探--以國家圖書館編《臺灣光復初期出版品書目(1945-1949)》為例。國家圖書館館訊,95(4)=110,16-21。  延伸查詢new window
47.林仁傑(20060900)。解釋過去/瞭解現在/預測未來--論歷史研究的典範轉移及對教育史研究的啟示。教育研究集刊,52(3),73-101。new window  延伸查詢new window
48.洪雯柔(20091100)。本土化運動及其對本土教育之啟發。教育研究,187,47-58。new window  延伸查詢new window
49.許雪姬、張福群(19971100)。口述歷史的理論與實務。宜蘭文獻雜誌,30,3-36。new window  延伸查詢new window
50.屠炳春(19910600)。四十年來我國國民小學的社會科教育。教育資料集刊,16,19-50。new window  延伸查詢new window
51.陳昭瑛(19950200)。論臺灣的本土化運動:一個文化史的考察。中外文學,23(9)=273,6-43。new window  延伸查詢new window
52.單文經(20050400)。美國中小學歷史課程標準爭議始末(1987-1996)。師大學報. 教育類,50(1),1-25。new window  延伸查詢new window
53.單文經(20050300)。Rugg及Bruner社會領域課程改革經驗的啟示。教育研究集刊,51(1),1-30。new window  延伸查詢new window
54.黃克武(20001000)。語言、記憶與認同--口述記錄與歷史生產。當代,40=158,74-82。  延伸查詢new window
55.楊智穎(20011200)。九年一貫鄉土語言課程的政治、族群與制度文本分析。臺灣人文. 臺灣師範大學,6,269-285。  延伸查詢new window
56.楊智穎(20060900)。從中央課程論述到學校課程實際:國小鄉土語言課程實施的批判分析。屏東教育大學學報,25,157-176。new window  延伸查詢new window
57.甄曉蘭(20070700)。課程研究的趨勢與方法論問題。課程與教學,10(3),49-61。new window  延伸查詢new window
58.翟本瑞(19871225)。社會科學中國化的再思考。中國論壇,25(6)=294,16-22。  延伸查詢new window
59.鍾鴻銘(20060900)。H. Rugg教科書爭議事件。教育研究集刊,52(3),103-139。new window  延伸查詢new window
60.魏宗明(20010600)。1949年政府遷臺後國小語文課程變遷之社會學分析。臺灣教育社會學研究,1(1),103-131。new window  延伸查詢new window
61.Franklin, Barry M.(1999)。Discourse, rationality, and educational research: A historical perspective of RER。Review of Educational Research,69(4),347-364。  new window
62.Hlebowitsh, Peter S.(2005)。Generational ideas in curriculum: A historical triangulation。Curriculum Inquiry,35(1),73-87。  new window
63.Huebner, D.(1976)。The moribund curriculum field: Its wake and our work。Curriculum Inquiry,6(2),153-176。  new window
64.Null, J. W.(2004)。Social efficiency splintered: Multiple meanings instead of the hegemony of one。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,19(2),99-124。  new window
65.Sears, J. T.、Marshall, J. D.(2000)。Generational Influences on Contemporary Curriculum Thought。Journal of Curriculum Studies,32(2),199-214。  new window
66.Vallance, Elizabeth(1974)。Hiding the Hidden Curriculum: An Interpretation of the Language of Justification in Nineteenth Century Educational Reform。Curriculum Theory Network,4(1),5-21。  new window
67.王崇名(19970900)。年鑑史學之「長時段」的方法論及其對於社會學研究的反思意義。思與言,35(3),65-86。new window  延伸查詢new window
68.霍秉坤、黃顯華(20040300)。課程領域中應用範式概念之爭議。教育研究集刊,50(1),33-62。new window  延伸查詢new window
69.李坤崇(20081100)。九年一貫課程的總綱四次變革及展望。教育研究月刊,175,5-21。new window  延伸查詢new window
70.Milburn, G.(1992)。Perspectives and Imperatives / Do Curriculum Studies Have a Future?。Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,7(3),302-318。  new window
1.朱阿莉、余伯泉、高培倫、趙家誌(2003)。論臺灣語直接學法:三階段一轉換。本土教育研討會,教育部、客委會、原民會和臺北市立教育大學(主辦) 。臺北市:臺北市立教育大學。  延伸查詢new window
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4.陳琮仁(2004)。九年一貫課程之教育論述分析(碩士論文)。南華大學。  延伸查詢new window
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