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1.張錦華(20111200)。從van Dijk操控論述觀點分析中國大陸省市採購團的新聞置入及報導框架:以臺灣四家報紙為例。中華傳播學刊,20,65-93。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.林東泰(20110700)。電視新聞敘事結構初探。新聞學研究,108,225-264。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Philo, G.(2007)。Can discourse analysis successfully explain the content of media and journalistic practice?。Journalism Studies,8(2),175-796。  new window
4.Meadmore, D.、Hatcher, C.、McWilliam, E.(2000)。Getting tense about genealogy。International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,13(5),463-476。  new window
5.Blommaert, J.(2001)。Context is/as critique。Critique of Anthropology,21(1),13-32。  new window
6.許力生(2006)。語言學研究的語境理論構建。浙江大學學報(人文社會科學版),36(4),158-164。  延伸查詢new window
7.翁秀琪(20000400)。多元典範衝擊下傳播研究方法的省思:從口述歷史在傳播研究中的應用談起。新聞學研究,63,9-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.林淑芬(20040300)。傅柯論權力與主體。人文及社會科學集刊,16(1),117-150。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.關啟文(20000900)。傅柯的權力/真理觀:批評與回應。社會理論學報,3(2),305-336。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Sacks, Harvey S.、Schegloff, Emanuel Abraham、Jefferson, Gail(1974)。A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation。Language,50(4),696-735。  new window
11.倪炎元(20120100)。批判論述分析的定位爭議及其應用問題:以Norman Fairclough分析途徑為例的探討。新聞學研究,110,1-42。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.范家豪(20070100)。「規訓與懲罰」權力分析文本的二階觀察:描繪傅柯「權力系譜學」的視域圖譜。教育經營與管理研究集刊,3,143-167。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.黃結梅(19980900)。福柯的啟示:「策略性模式」的權力分析。社會理論學報,1(2),327-348。new window  延伸查詢new window
14.Foss, S. K.、Gill, A.(1987)。Michel Foucault's theory of rhetoric as epistemic。Western Journal of Speech Communication,51(4),384-401。  new window
15.倪炎元(19990100)。再現的政治:解讀媒介對他者負面建構的策略。新聞學研究,58,85-111。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.Hammersley, M.(1997)。On the Foundations of Critical Discourse Analysis。Language & Communication,17(3),237-248。  new window
17.Van Dijk, Teun Adrianus(1995)。Discourse Semantics and Ideology。Discourse & Society,6(2),243-289。  new window
18.Mehan, Hugh(1997)。The Discourse of the Illegal Immigration Debate: A Case Study in the Politics of Representation。Discourse & Society,8(2),249-270。  new window
19.邵軒磊(20071200)。作為研究方法的系譜學。政治科學論叢,34,151-174。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.倪炎元(19991000)。批判論述分析與媒介研究之初探--兼論其在華文媒介上的應用。傳播管理學刊,1(1),205-233。new window  延伸查詢new window
21.倪炎元(20110700)。批判論述分析的脈絡建構策略:Teun A. van Dijk與Norman Fairclough的比較。傳播研究與實踐,1(2),83-97。new window  延伸查詢new window
22.Van Dijk, Teun A.(1983)。Discourse Analysis: Its Development and Application to the Structure of News。Journal of Communication,33(2),20-43。  new window
23.紀玉華(2001)。批評性話語分析:理論與方法。廈門大學學報(哲學社會科學版),147,149-155。  延伸查詢new window
24.張美川(20040900)。自我技術與權力關係:福柯晚期理論中的主體化困境。社會理論學報,7(2),377-434。new window  延伸查詢new window
25.倪炎元(20060400)。進入傅柯系譜學分析的兩種策略[評Gavin Kendall, Gary M. Wickham, Using Foucault's Methods; Jean Carabine, "Unmarried motherhood 1830-1990: A genealogical analysis']。新聞學研究,87,183-188。new window  延伸查詢new window
26.黃靖惠(20110100)。對美國《時代》臺灣政黨輪替報導的批判論述分析:以2000年及2008年總統選舉為例。新聞學研究,106,49-98。new window  延伸查詢new window
27.翁秀琪(19980700)。批判語言學、在地權力觀和新聞文本分析:宋楚瑜辭官事件中李宋會的新聞分析。新聞學研究,57,91-126。new window  延伸查詢new window
28.Hymes, Dell(1964)。Introduction: Toward ethnographies of communication。American Anthropologist,66(6 part2),1-34。  new window
29.Gleiss, Marielle Stigum(2015)。Speaking up for the suffering (br)other: Weibo activism, discursive struggles, and minimal politics in China。Media, Culture & Society,37(4),513-529。  new window
30.倪炎元(20130100)。從語言中搜尋意識形態:van Dijk的分析策略及其在傳播研究上的定位。新聞學研究,114,41-78。new window  延伸查詢new window
31.王治河(19960100)。傅柯[Michel Foucault]的系譜學[Genealogy]。哲學雜誌,15,44-69。  延伸查詢new window
32.丁和根(2004)。大眾傳媒話語分析的理論、對象與方法。新聞與傳播研究,11(1),37-42。  延伸查詢new window
33.季麗珺(2013)。批判性話語分析的「話語/歷史方法」:以華盛頓郵報的涉華氣候報導為例。長春工業大學學報,25(4),120-122。  延伸查詢new window
34.李鴻春(2005)。系統功能語法和轉換生成語法之對比。青海師專學報(教育科學),3/4。  延伸查詢new window
35.張道建(2009)。拉克勞的「鏈接」理論與「後身份」。南陽師範學院學報,8(1),69-75。  延伸查詢new window
36.Caborn, J.(2007)。On the Methodology of Dispositive Analysis。Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines,1(1),115-123。  new window
37.Carpentier, N.、De Cleen, B.(2007)。Bringing Discourse Theory into Media Studies: The applicability of Discourse Theoretical Analysis (DTA) for the Study of media practises and discourses。Journal of Language and Politics,6(2),265-293。  new window
38.Dabirimehr, A.、Fatmi, M. T.(2014)。Laclau and Mouffe's theory of discourse。Journal of Novel Applied Sciences,3(11),1283-1287。  new window
39.Dews, P.(1984)。Power and subjectivity in Foucault。New left review,144,72-95。  new window
40.Fairclough, N.(1996)。A reply to Henry Widdowson's 'Discourse analysis: A critical view'。Language and literature,5(1),49-56。  new window
41.Machin, D.、Van Leeuwen, T.(2003)。Global schemas and local discourses in Cosmopolitan。Journal of Sociolinguistics,7(4),493-512。  new window
42.Maingueneau, D.、Angermüller, J.(2007)。Discourse analysis in France: A conversation。Forum: Qualitative social research,8(2)。  new window
43.Nicholls, D. A.(2008)。Putting Foucault to work: An approach to the practical application of Foucault's methodological imperatives。Aporia,1(1),30-40。  new window
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45.Pike, K. L.(1964)。Discourse Analysis and Tagmeme Matrices。Oceanic linguistics,3(1),5-25。  new window
46.Tamboukou, M.(1999)。Writing genealogies: An exploration of Foucault's strategies for doing research。Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education,20(2),101-217。  new window
47.Van Dijk, T. A.(1989)。Critical news analysis。Critical studies,1(1),103-126。  new window
48.Wodak, R.(1990)。The Waldheim affair and antisemitic prejudice in Austrian public discourse。Patterns of prejudice,24(2-4),18-33。  new window
49.蔡琰、臧國仁(19990100)。新聞敘事結構:再現故事的理論分析。新聞學研究,58,1-28。new window  延伸查詢new window
50.蔡琰、臧國仁(2010)。想像與創造性想像:新聞敘事思維再現的藍圖。國際新聞界,32(6),6-13。  延伸查詢new window
51.Widdowson, H. G.(1995)。Review: Norman Fairclough: Discourse and social change, 1992。Applied Linguistics,16(4),510-516。  new window
52.Jessop, B.(2002)。Critical semiotic analysis and cultural political economy。Critical Discourse Studies,1(2),159-174。  new window
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2.蔡錚雲(2006)。論傅柯的主體系譜學。晚期傅柯與傅柯之後:跨文化視野下的主體問題與自我技術研討會。台北:中央研究院歐美所。  延伸查詢new window
1.Fairclough, Norman(2000)。New Labour, New Language?。London:Routledge。  new window
2.Mills, S.(1997)。Discourse: The new critical idiom。Routledge。  new window
3.Schaffner, C.、Kelly-Holmes, H.(1996)。Discourse and ideologies。Clevedon:Multilngual Matters Ltd。  new window
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5.Carpentier, Nico、Spinoy, Erik(2008)。Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis: Media, Arts and Literature。Hampton Press。  new window
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7.Van Dijk, T. A.(1998)。Discourse as Social Interaction。London:Sage。  new window
8.Wodak, Ruth、Meyer, Michael(2009)。Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis。London:Sage。  new window
9.Chouliaraki, Lilie、Fairclough, Norman(1999)。Discourse in Late Modernity: Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis。Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press。  new window
10.Smitherman-Donaldson, G.、Van Dijk, T. A.(1988)。Discourse and Discrimination。Detroit, MI:Wayne State University Press。  new window
11.Torfing, Jacob(1999)。New Theories of Discourse: Laclau, Mouffe and Žižek。Oxford:Blackwell Publishers Ltd。  new window
12.Fairclough, N.(1995)。Critical Discourse Analysis。Boston, Massachusetts:Addison-Wesley。  new window
13.Heywood, Andrew、蘇子喬(2009)。政治學的關鍵概念。臺北:五南圖書。  延伸查詢new window
14.Foucault, M.、Rabinow, P.、Hurley, R.(1997)。Ethics: Subjectivity and truth。London:Allen Lane。  new window
15.蔡錚雲(2000)。另類哲學--現代社會的後現代文化。臺北:臺灣書店。new window  延伸查詢new window
16.van Dijk, T. A.(1984)。Prejudice in discourse: An analysis of ethnic prejudice in cognition and conversation。John Benjamins。  new window
17.Van Dijk, Teun A.(1993)。Elite discourse and racism。Sage Publications。  new window
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19.Halliday, Michael A. K.(1978)。Language as social semiotic。London:Edward Arnold。  new window
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28.Van Dijk, T. A.(1977)。Text and Context: Explorations in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse。Longman。  new window
29.Fairclough, N.(2006)。Language and globalization。London:Routledge。  new window
30.Fowler, R.、Hodge, B.、Kress, G.、Trew, T.(1979)。Language and control。London:Routledge & Kegan Paul。  new window
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35.Paltridge, B.(2006)。Discourse analysis: An introduction。Continuum。  new window
36.Longacre, Robert E.(1983)。The grammar of discourse。Plenum Press。  new window
37.Van Dijk, T. A.(1998)。Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach。London:Sage。  new window
38.Van Dijk, T. A.(1980)。Macrostructures: An interdisciplinary study of global structures in discourse, interaction, and cognition。Lawrence Erlbaum Associates。  new window
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43.Titscher, Stefan、Meyer, Michael、Wodak, Ruth、Vetter, Eva(2000)。Methods of text and discourse analysis。Sage。  new window
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46.Van Dijk, Teun A.(1987)。Communicating Racism: Ethnic Prejudice in Thought and Talk。Sage。  new window
47.Van Dijk, Teun Adrianus(1988)。News analysis: case studies of international and national news in the press。Hillsdale, New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates。  new window
48.Kendall, G.、Wickham, Gary(1999)。Using Foucault's methods。London:SAGE。  new window
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57.Van Dijk, Teun A.(1991)。Racism and the press。London:Routledge。  new window
58.詹姆斯‧米勒、高毅(1995)。傅柯的生死愛慾。臺北:時報文化。  延伸查詢new window
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60.Wodak, R.(2013)。Critical discourse analysis。Sage。  new window
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62.Van Dijk, T. A.(1981)。Studies in the pragmatics of discourse。Mouton。  new window
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78.Fairclough, N.(1995)。Media discourse。Arnold。  new window
79.Fairclough, N.(1992)。Discourse and social change。Polity。  new window
80.Van Dijk, Teun Adrianus、曾慶香(2003)。作為話語的新聞。北京:華夏。  延伸查詢new window
81.Fairclough, Norman(2010)。Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language。Longman。  new window
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83.Van Dijk, Teun A.(1998)。Discourse as Structure and Process。Sage。  new window
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86.Van Dijk, T. A.(1985)。Discourse and communication: New approaches to the analysis of mass communication。W. de Gruyter。  new window
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