

作者:王仕茹 引用關係
作者(外文):WANG, SHIH JU
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Kotler (1994)認為現代策略行銷的核心就是STP三部曲-亦即區隔(segmenting)、目標(targeting)及定位(positioning),根
The heart of modern strategic marketing can be described as STP marketing-namely, segmenting, targeting, and positioning
(Kolter 1994). The purpose of market segmentation is to classify consumers according to their preference similarity so that
within-segment homogeneity and across-segment heterogeneity provides a common ground for targeted marketing. Although
the STP concept is widely accepted, there still exist some debates on its applications, especially on the issue of market segmentation.
This study intends to develop hierarchical Bayes conjoint segment model by incorporating individual- and segment-specific
information and taking into account preference heterogeneity and instability at the individual level. The proposed model is able to
predict consumer behavior more accurately and is conducive to the formulation of firm strategies.
The model starts from an individual level analysis, with the aim of increasing the precision of segmentation by grouping
respondents according to the magnitudes of estimated part-worths and their standard errors. At the same time, this study suggests a
new method of estimating individual preference and refining individual part-worths in which extracted information common to all
respondents within a segment is utilized to alleviate the lack of degree of freedom problem for individual parameter estimates. The
resulting hierarchical Bayes conjoint segment model is also capable of characterizing within-segment heterogeneity by assuming a
continuous distribution for respondent part-worths within specific segment and retains the ability to study specific respondents.
The robustness of the proposed hierarchical Bayes conjoint segment model, as reported by empirical findings based on three data
sets (CD player, mineral water and cellular phone), is demonstrated by comparing its predictive validity with various models.
Finally, the hierarchical Bayes conjoint segment model is applied to studies of country-of-origin effect valuation, brand equity
measurement and new product design. Given the parameter estimates, it is found that price premiums for any specific country or
brand can be calculated, and product positioning may become more precise when marketers combine various attributes into
new products.

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