

主題關鍵詞:地方派系黑道組織幫派選舉政黨local factionsgangscrime organizationElectionspolitical parties
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台灣地區的黑道與地方派系掛勾,介入政治,甚至黑道人士參選進一步漂白的情形,時有所聞 。在輿論普遍認為黑道與選舉掛勾情況嚴重的此時,究竟黑道在選舉中所扮演的角色為何?黑道是否介入或參與地方派系?黑道參政的情況是否非常嚴重?有關黑道與政治的學術論著中,較少有論及黑道介入政治的專論,譬如黑道與選舉之間的關係如何?黑道與政黨、地方派系之間的互動如何?這些都是研究台灣政治發展的重要課題,吾人以為在理論與實務上,實有必要深入加以探討。
That gang members interfere in Taiwan politics, political parties and political factions is a big concern in Taiwan and it is even widely believed among the local populace that gang members have been able to directly influence local politicians. However, there are some questions we will research in depth: What kind of the role does the gang play? Does the gang interfere directly in political parties or is its efforts concentrated on factions? Are politicians with known gang background still popular in Taiwan or not? Using qualitative research we can also examine the relationship between local politics and the gang, such as what kind of relationship exists between the gang and the actual election process and what kind of the external social/political/ economic/cultural influences affect the gang and the relationships between the gangs, political parties, and local factions. All of these are prominent issues which play an important role in Taiwan political development and in this thesis are deeply researched by both qualitative and quantitative methods, in both theoretical terms and in actual political processes and practices.
The dissertation tries to research the following fields and propose some suggestions and solutions: I. The relationship between gangs and the Taiwanese political scene. II. How and why gangs can influence Taiwanese elections. III. The socio/ political/ economic/ cultural niches of gangs.
The first chapter of the dissertation introduces motives, reasons, purposes and methods for understanding gangs and their relationship to Taiwanese politics. It also presents field analysis and comparative sociological, political and economic theories as tools for understanding and evaluating these problems. Chapter Two and Chapter Three focus on the political development and the socio-political and cultural system of the gangs. Chapter Four offers qualitative research into gang interference in politics. Chapter Five presents quantitative analysis of gangs, local factions and their relationship on the ground affecting actual elections. Chapter Six offers conclusions and suggestions which propose concrete solutions for producing democracy free of gang influences for the people and the government in the future.



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