

作者:蘇迺惠 引用關係
作者(外文):Nai-Hui Su
主題關鍵詞:庫藏股資訊信號假說自由現金流量假說營業績效累積異常報酬買進持有異常報酬Fama-French 因子模式share repurchaseinformation signaling hypothesisfree cash flow hypothesisoperating performancecumulative abnormal returnsbuy-and-hold abnormal returnsFama-French factor model
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為檢視庫藏股宣告後的長期股票報酬,本文採用三種衡量方法:累積異常報酬、買進持有異常報酬及Fama-French 三因子模式。實證顯示,公司於庫藏股買回宣告期間會有正的異常報酬,然而,買回宣告的後續三年,買回公司並未呈現顯著正的異常報酬,顯示當公司從事庫藏股活動時,並不意謂其有較佳之長期異常績效,就長期市場績效而言,本研究實證證據亦不符合信號假說之預期。
In this study, we examine the long-term operating performance and abnormal stock returns subsequent to open market share repurchase announcements. The major purpose of this essay is to examine the information content of repurchase decisions and to find out what can be predicted when a firm is involved in share repurchase activities. Given that the theories all predict the same stock reaction to repurchase announcements, obviously, it is difficult to test the information content of repurchases by simply looking at the initial, short-term evidence. Thus, by examining the long-term performance following share repurchases, we may better understand the economic motivations behind the decision to launch an open market repurchase program.
The two most widely accepted explanations of the motivation behind share repurchases are the information signaling hypothesis and the free cash hypothesis. In order to differentiate between the two competing hypotheses, the essay not only investigates long-term changes in operating performance and investment expenditures following share repurchases but also investigates long-term abnormal stock returns in the post-repurchase period. We hypothesize that if repurchasing firms experience an improvement in performance and the improve performance is a result of an increase in investment expenditures due to growth opportunities after the announcement, then the prediction of the information signaling hypothesis has empirical support. On the other hand, if repurchasing firms reduce their investment expenditures and cash reserves after the repurchase announcements because these firms do not have many investment opportunities, then the free cash flow has empirical support.
Using a sample of open market share repurchase announcements in Taiwan, we observe a decline in operating performance for repurchasing firms before and after the announcement. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is no evidence supporting the claim that repurchasing firms are signaling better prospects. In contrast, this study provides partial evidence supporting the claim that firms with few investment opportunities will distribute the excess cash flows by share repurchases. However, we find no evidence that firms reduce their cash reserves after the share repurchase announcements. Overall, this study provides limited evidence to support for Jensen’s (1986) free cash flow hypothesis.
To gauge long-run stock returns in the post-repurchase period, we use three different approaches, namely, the CAR approach, the buy-and-hold approach, and the Fama- French three-factor model. We find some evidence of positive abnormal performance surrounding the announcement period. However, we do not find any evidence of abnormal returns for repurchasing firms in the three-year post-announcement period essentially. The repurchasing firms do not exhibit strong superior abnormal performance over long horizons when they make open market share repurchase. Our main empirical finding seems to be inconsistent with the most important predictions of signaling hypothesis.
Collectively, the results reveal that repurchasing firms experience the comparatively lower post-announcement operating performance and stock returns. Taken together, our findings do not support the implication of the signaling hypothesis.
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