

作者(外文):Hu Hsiu Yuan
主題關鍵詞:製造策略決策實驗室分析法Kano二維品質模式贏得與符合訂單的條件Manufacturing StrategyDecision Making Trial and Evaluation LaboratoryKano ModelOrder-winners and Qualifiers
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近年來製造策略已成為作業管理領域的核心課題。其中Hill (2000)所發展的贏得訂單條件的模式,不僅協助經理人深入地瞭解市場,而且快速地發展市場與製造策略。此模式中最重要的步驟,就是鑑別贏得訂單及符合訂單的條件,再依其結果制定相關的市場與製造策略。然而;傳統Hill的模式與相關的研究主要在探討市場策略與製造策略的一致性問題,對於如何決定贏得訂單條件的品質屬性則未曾討論。另外;贏得訂單的條件並非互相獨立的變數,而是互有因果關係的模式。因此;傳統以等距量尺鑑別贏得訂單及符合訂單的條件的模式,無法正確地分析其非線性的影響及因果關係,而導致錯誤的市場策略與製造策略。本研究提出一新的決策分析方法論,運用Kano二維品質模式決定贏得訂單條件的品質屬性及其非線性的影響,並採用決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)分析因果關係與相互影響程度,找出贏得訂單條件的核心要項。本研究以某臺灣工業電腦產業的個案為例,透過Kano問卷調查模式與專家意見法,針對贏得訂單條件的品質屬性與其因果關係進行研究。最後;以實際案例的解析與討論,說明本研究結合Kano Model與DEMATEL所建立的決策方法論,不僅評估贏得訂單條件的品質屬性,而且建立具因果關係時的決策模式,解決複雜難解的問題,故此模式可有效與正確地提供制定市場策略與製造策略所需的資訊。
This study puts forward a new decision analysis method that exploits Kano Model to know the quality attributes and nonlinear effects of order winners and qualifiers. The proposed method adopts a decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to identify the causality of order winners and qualifiers and the extent to which they interact. This method can know who the core order winners and qualifiers are. Based on a specific industrial computer manufacturer in Taiwan, this study looks into the quality attributes and causation of order winners and qualifiers using the Kano questionnaire survey analysis and Delphi method. This study case shows that Kano Model and DEMATEL together can accurately assess the quality attributes of order-winners and qualifiers. The proposed method helps managers solve complicated problems by showing the causality. In a word, this new model can provide information for making marketing and manufacturing strategies.
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