

作者(外文):Pei-Hsuan Wu
主題關鍵詞:可能最大損失風險值T年水準極值分配Value-at-RiskT-year LevelExtreme Value DistributionProbable Maximum Loss
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稻米是台灣最重要的糧食作物,而稻米所面對的天然災害以颱風的威脅最為嚴重與頻繁,本文根據「台灣農業統計年報」,使用1971年到2007年稻米颱風損失資料,先檢定與配適年損失頻率與損失幅度的分配,其次應用極值理論估算稻米遭受颱風損失情形,並且估計極端損失分配的尾部風險衡量,最後估計每年稻米颱風總損失金額。實證結果發現:(1)台灣稻米颱風損失之年損失頻率與損失幅度兩者之間是相互獨立,此結果利於年總損失的估計,可提供政府編列「農業天然災害救助基金」預算之參考。(2)年損失頻率服從Poisson分配,若不考慮極端損失的影響,損失幅度服從Log-normal或Log-gamma分配,此損失分配可提供政府制定農業天然災害損失救助金分配等級之參考或未來開辦農作物保險的費率合理精算之參考。(3)極端損失服從generalized Pareto分配,此結果有助於農業巨災門檻之界定。(4)極端損失分配的尾部風險衡量估計值,如T-year Level, VaR, ES,以及PML等,可作為政府安排高風險的救助計畫或再保險方案之參考。
Of all the weather phenomena in Taiwan, typhoons are the most catastrophic, not only their fierceness but also frequency of occurrence. From 1971 to 2007, approximately two-thirds (63%) of all natural disaster damage to rice was caused by typhoons. In order to ease the impact of natural disasters on agriculture and the farmers, Taiwan’s agricultural natural disaster assistance program (TANDAP) was passed and implemented in 1991. However, the threshold of grant-in-relief is too high relatively to actual losses of farmers and the budget seems not enough for specific years which have huge agriculture losses. Consequently, an accurate estimation of annual aggregative agriculture damage is not only a critical task for TANDAP to budget compensation plans but also an issue of concern in academic and insurance area.
This dissertation aims at understanding the connection between annual disaster losses and compensation capacity of TANDAP. The study applies 123 rice losses caused from typhoon damage to look insight into the annual frequency and losses distribution. Consequently, this study reveals the existence of independence between annual frequency and losses by individual typhoon. Therefore, a collective risk model is a feasible scheme for estimating annual aggregate losses. Next, this dissertation also focuses on using extreme value theory to fit a generalized Pareto distribution to rice damage. Some typical risk measures of extreme value distribution, such as T-year level, Value-at-Risk, expected shortfall, and probable maximum loss, are also estimated.
The results are concluded as follows. First, the annual frequency of rice damage caused by typhoons is fitted well by Poisson distribution. The loss distribution is fitted by Log-normal or Log-gamma but it fits the tail of rice loss distribution badly. Therefore, generalized Pareto distribution is used alternatively to fit the extreme losses. Second, many implications can be drawn from the tail-related risk measures of extreme value distribution. These high-quantile measures could provide useful information for Council of Agriculture (COA) to check the applicable loss compensation regulations and an adjustment of relief threshold or natural disaster relief budget plan. Last, a compound Poisson distribution or a compound binomial distribution is applicable to estimate annual aggregate rice losses.
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