

作者(外文):Chiu, Wan-Yu
主題關鍵詞:電子商務電子商店經營網路商店顧客需求市場策略多準則決策決策制定實驗及評估實驗室網路分析法以決策制定實驗及評估為基礎的網路分析法VIKOR灰色關聯分析Electronic Commerce (EC)E-store businessInternet storesCustomers' needsMarketing strategiesMultiple Criteria Decision-Marking (MCDM)Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)Analytic Network Process (ANP)DEMATEL-based ANP (DANP)VIšekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR)Grey Relational Analysis (GRA)
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新的混合式VIKOR和灰色關聯模式,在處理解決現實世界中的構面/準則間具有相互關聯性(Interdependence)及回饋性(Feedback)的問題。更具體地說,DANP和VIKOR與灰色關聯評估模式相結合,可產生出具有影響力的網路關係圖(Influential Network Relations Map, INRM),還有影響權重(Influential weights),以及渴望水準(Aspiration level)與實際績效之間的差距。最後以三個真實的案例作為實證分析,使用新的混合式多準則決策(hybrid MCDM)模式,是可以提供電子商店經理者創造出最佳的市場行銷策略。如此,以現有的知識為基礎去了解並滿足消費者的需求(customers' needs),可減少電子商店與顧客之間的認知差距,使得電子商店不僅能保有目前的消費者,更能使他們願意回購,並能提供最有效率及高品質的顧客服務,為他們增加更多的客戶,創造更高的價值,使得電子商店的經營效果更能接近渴望水準。
Many consumers today buy products and services from e-stores. Because e-store managers are responsible for allocating different resources, it is essential that they understand consumers’ shopping behaviour to provide the best possible value for visitors to their websites. With the increasing popularity of online shopping services, e-stores are experiencing ever more fierce competition. Thus, it is imperative that managers take steps to improve their services and ensure customer loyalty, and this can only be done by understanding their customers’ needs and developing appropriate marketing strategies. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to focus on assessing and improving strategies to reduce the gaps in customer satisfaction caused by interdependence and feedback problems among dimensions and criteria to achieve the aspiration level and to enhance strategies by adopting innovation and creativity to satisfying/promoting human life and convenient service. We propose a new hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model, combining the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), DEMATEL-based Analytic Network Process (DANP), VIšekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) methods, with grey relational model to solve these problems. This new hybrid VIKOR and grey relational model will address interdependent problems among dimensions/criteria in the real world and provide feedback. More specifically, a DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP) and a VIKOR model with a grey relational assessment model will be combined to produce a influential network relations map (INRM), showing the influential weights and gaps between the actual performance and the level of aspiration. Then, three real cases are used to illustrate how the proposed new hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model improves e-store business. These results can provide e-store managers with a knowledge-based understanding of how to create best marketing strategies that to reduce and to closer aspiration level for e-store managers to improve their business model in order to meet consumers’ needs, encourage them to repurchase, and to enable stores to provide the most effective and efficient service for their customers.
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