

作者(外文):Lii, Ming-Chung
主題關鍵詞:國際物流競爭優勢服務創新模糊品質機能展開International logisticsCompetitive advantageService innovationFuzzy quality function deployment
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本研究發現競爭優勢指標項目重要性程度最高的前5項依序為:(1) 併櫃與運輸效率、(2) 國際物流貨物資訊之即時性、(3) 提供客製化的國際物流服務、(4) 支援多元化之貿易條件服務、(5) 特殊項目(如危險品、管道物品)之國際物流服務。在業者對競爭優勢指標之實際表現之滿意程度的研究,發現實際表現較好的前5項指標依序為:(1) 併櫃與運輸效率、(2) 國際物流貨物資訊之即時性、(3) 提供客製化的國際物流服務、(4) 支援多元化之貿易條件服務、(5) 主導營運模式創新,將創新概念商品化。
有關提升國際物流業競爭優勢技術需求最優先執行的五個項目,依序為(1) 倉庫資源整合與作業規劃能力、(2)資訊系統開發與應用能力、(3)多國倉儲作業能力、(4)即時掌握客戶需求的機制與能力、(5)整合多國複合運輸的作業能力。
Through the development of work specialization and globalization, logistics service providers are required to offer the integrate service of logistics, payment, commerce and information flow in the global supply chain of their clients. In this contemporary era, how international logistics can increase the competitive advantage is an important issue. Based on the concept of service innovation, this study applied the Quality Function Deployment method to establish 12 competitive advantage indices as the goals of service innovation and 23 technical solutions as the means of service innovation. By Fuzzy methodology, the relationship of goals and means of service innovation were calculated and the priorities of solutions were determined.
This study found that the top five most important competitive advantage indices were (1) the efficiency of container amalgamation and transportation, (2) the promptness of international logistics cargo information, (3) providing customized international logistics services, (4) supporting diversified trading term services, and (5) providing international logistics services for special items, such as dangerous cargos and pipeline cargos. While the top five most satisfied competitive advantage indices were (1) the efficiency of container amalgamation and transportation, (2) the promptness of international logistics cargo information, (3) providing customized international logistics services, (4) supporting diversified trading term services, and (5) leading the innovation mode in operation and commercialized the innovation concept.
In the Important-Performance Analysis, no competitive advantage indices were located in the first priority improvement area. However, in the secondary priority improvement area had the index of providing international logistics services for special items, such as dangerous cargos and the index of international logistics service niche in specific industry or area in cargo forwarder dimension; the index of distribution center for shippers and the index of offering storage and processing services for shippers in contract logistics dimension; and the index of assisting shippers to establish the supply chain and logistics management strategies and the index of leading the innovation mode in operation in integrated logistics dimension.
In increasing the competitive advantage, the top five technical solutions were (1) integrating warehouse resources and operation planning ability, (2) developing and applying information system ability, (3) multination warehousing operation ability, (4) promptly grasping customer requirement ability and system, and (5) integrating multination compound transportation operation ability.
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