

主題關鍵詞:手機使用心理需求人格特質手機使用行為手機成癮結構方程模式smartphone using psychological needspersonality traitssmartphone using behaviorssmartphone addictionstructural equation modelling
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the current situation of smartphone using psychological needs, personality traits, smartphone using behaviors, smartphone addiction in high school students, and to analyze the differences for each variable of students with diverse backgrounds. In addition, we also examine the predictable effects for background variables, smartphone using psychological needs, personality traits, smartphone using behaviors, smartphone addiction. The path models of above items have also been constructed and verified for high school students.
A total sample of 1,222 high school students were enrolled from Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City through the use of questionnaire survey method with stratified cluster sampling in this study. By using " smartphone using behavior scale", “smartphone usage survey”, “smartphone using psychological needs scale”, and “personality traits scale”, we finally reached some conclusions by several specific statistical methods including descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, Chi-square test, multi-choice questions with multiple answers, stepwise multiple regression, structural equation modeling, and bootstrapping. We summarized the main conclusions as follows:
1.The strongest smartphone using psychological needs in high school students are the “cognition needs”, and gender differences are displayed in smartphone using psychological needs of high school students, but not exist in grade or academic performance.
2.The most significant personality trait is the “agreeableness”, and the personality traits of high school students can be significantly affected by gender, grade and academic performance.
3.The rates of prevalence and internet penetration are increased by about 98% in high school students. They frequently connect a home Wi-Fi network to the internet, and 36.2% students purchase a “unlimited data plan” from telecommunications service providers. The frequently used applications are softwares of social networking, communication and chatting. In addition, differences in gender, grade and academic performance can make significant differences of smartphone using behaviors in high school students.
4. Nearly 65% students have a tendency to smartphone addiction, and " health and interpersonal problems " are the most serious addiction. Gender differences are not demonstrated in smartphone addiction of high school students, but present differences in grade or academic performance.
5.Background variables, smartphone using psychological needs, personality traits, and smartphone using behaviors markedly display joint anticipation for smartphone addiction, and the entertainment needs demonstrate the greatest predictive power in this survey.
6.The goodness-of-fit test of smartphone using psychological needs, personality traits, smartphone using behaviors, and evaluation mode of smartphone addiction in high school students describe a well theoretical result and consist with our observational data.
7. Smartphone using psychological needs demonstrate positive effect for smartphone addiction. Moreover, both personality traits and smartphone using behaviors display partial intermediary effects to smartphone using psychological needs and smartphone addiction.
Based on these findings, we finally provide some suggestions for individuals including high school students, parents, school teachers, counselors, and administrative agencies for further investigation.
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