

作者(外文):Chieh-Yuan Wang
主題關鍵詞:長期照顧機構外籍看護工社會融合勞動經驗long term care facilitiesforeign care workerssocial inclusionlabor experiences
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Recently, the shortage of caregivers is a primary obstacle for promoting long term care services in Taiwan. The Taiwanese government therefore opened up the foreign care workers to enter the elderly care system. The aim of this research was to analyze the interaction between foreign care workers’ labor experiences and social inclusion. It was also to understand how long term care was influenced by specific social circumstances. Two focus groups were held as a pilot study to clarify the research problems and research purposes. Secondly, the author used Participatory and Appreciative Action & Reflection Research (PAAR), observation and in-depth interviews to collect data, analyze and assess foreign care workers’ experiences. Three long term care facilities located in the north of Taiwan participated in this research. The in-depth interviews included the foreign and Taiwanese care workers, administrations, nurses and social workers. The research results indicated that
(1) Foreign care workers play a key role in the Taiwanese long term care system and provide the main direct care work to the Taiwanese elderly. This labor force has developed the characteristics of “customized care of gender, division of labor and national grouping”.
(2) Caring can be quite challenging for a foreign care worker. It requires high level of interaction loaded with both physical and emotional demands, and the need for individualized care.
(3) Foreign care workers’ life and work highly overlapped. Their degree of life adaptation was influenced by personal language skills. A clear pattern of phased development of their labor experiences was discovered by this research. Confined by the unfriendly macro social, cultural and policy environment, the small care facilities and foreign care workers have developed a symbiotic relationship, and social inclusion was therefore quite limited.
Finally, this research suggests that foreign caregivers have a great influence on the quality of institutions and care. In order to develop a sustanible labor force of foreign care workers, the institutions must break their old employment routines and to collaborate with the many different stakeholders to improve the social inclusion of foreign care workers. This research urges the Taiwan government to face the reality of the crucial importance of foreign care workers, and to change the outdated paths of social and labor policies. Thus, the ultimate goal of personal and social well-being may be enjoyed by all parties involved.
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