

作者(外文):Chen, Jian-Chih
主題關鍵詞:校長學習領導個性化學習學生學習成效principal’s leadership for learningpersonalized learningstudent learning outcome
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The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the principal’s leadership for learning and student learning outcomes of elementary schools in Taiwan, and personalized learning was as a mediating variable. For the purpose of this study, questionnaire survey was employed. The survey participants were 1,020 island-wide public elementary school teachers. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and the Structural Equation Modeling. Based on the research result, some conclusions were drawn:
1.The level of principal’s leadership for learning in elementary schools was high, and the performance in “to establish a learning environment” acquired the highest recognition
2.The level of teacher’s implementation of personalized learning in elementary schools was high, and “mechanism of respect and incentive” scored the highest.
3.The level of student learning outcomes was high, and “student behavior” scored the highest.
4.There were significant differences in the principal’s leadership for learning, teachers' implementation of personalized learning, and student learning outcomes among teachers with different background variables.
5.The relationships among principal’s leadership for learning, teacher’s implementation of personalized learning and student learning outcomes were moderately positive correlated.
6.The sub-level of the principal’s leadership for learning and teacher’s implementation of personalized learning could apparently predict the student learning outcomes.
7.The proper fit of structural equation model among principal’s leadership for learning, teacher’s implementation of personalized learning and student learning outcomes was assessed as positive.
8.The principal’s leadership for learning could affect student learning outcomes directly, and which could also effect student learning outcomes positively through teacher’s implementation of personalized learning.
Base to the conclusions, some suggestions were made for educational agencies, school educators as well as future research.
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