

主題關鍵詞:物聯網一氧化碳中毒瓦斯切斷器Arduino智慧居家防災系統Internet of ThingsCarbon Monoxide PoisoningGas Cut-off DeviceSensorsLine Notification System
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Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. The symptoms of poisoning are not easy to detect, so it becomes an invisible killer hidden in the home environment. In the home kitchen, the fire source is used for cooking, and it often catches fire due to the overheating of the stove fire and the escape of hot oil, which often becomes an important issue for disaster prevention. In order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning and avoid damage caused by kitchen fires, this research uses the Internet of Things technology to develop "Smart Home Disaster Prevention System".
In terms of preventing carbon monoxide poisoning, including: (1) A carbon monoxide sensor is installed in the bathroom and other places in the home, and when the carbon monoxide concentration is measured to be too high, the alarm is immediately activated to warn the residents; (2) The gas cut-off device is activated to turn off the gas; (3) The electric window opener is activated to open the window, and the fan is turn on for forced ventilation to reduce the carbon monoxide concentration; (4) Line Notification is sent to the family member and the community management center to perform emergency rescue operations; (5) The front door is unlocked to allow outsiders to enter the house for rescue.
In terms of preventing fires in the kitchen, including: (1) The sensors are installed above the gas stove in the kitchen, when a flame is detected, the temperature is too high, or the gas leaks, the gas cut-off device is immediately activated to shut off the gas supply; (2) The siren is immediately activated to issue audible and visual alarms to warn the residents; (3) Line Notification is sent to the family member and the community management center to perform emergency rescue operations; (4) The front door is unlocked to allow outsiders to enter the house for rescue.
In terms of remote monitoring of kitchen fires, including: (1) A webcam is installed in the kitchen so that users can monitor the current fire usage from mobile phones; (2) When it is uncertain whether the fire is turned off, users can connect the webcam through smart phone to confirm the status of the fire in the kitchen; (3) When user find that the fire was not turned off, one can use the smart phone app to activate the gas cut-off device to turn off gas supply remotely.
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