

主題關鍵詞:英語能力英語焦慮就業焦慮台灣English Language ProficiencyEnglish Language AnxietyCareer AnxietyTaiwan
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本研究旨在探查台灣英語系學生之英語能力與英語焦慮和就業焦慮之相關性,並聚焦於英語高成就者及低成就者之英語聽、說、讀、寫焦慮與就業焦慮比較。此研究首先招募台灣四所大學318位英語主修學生,依其英語程度,將歐洲共同語文參考標準 (CEFR) A2或以下等級者歸類低成就者,將B2或以上等級者歸類高成就者,再以六十七位高成就者及九十六位低成就者作為本研究實驗對象。研究對象被要求填寫一份自陳式問卷,含四個分量表用以量測其英語聽、說、讀、寫焦慮,及一個分量表用以量測其就業焦慮。此外,擇選十七位高成就者及十五位低成就者進行有關英語聽、說、讀、寫焦慮與就業焦慮原因訪談。最後,將問卷所得數據做量化分析,訪談所得資料做質性分析。根據數據、資料分析,本研究主要發現摘要如下:
This study investigates the correlations among English language proficiency, English language anxiety, and career anxiety for EFL major students at four universities in Taiwan. In this study lay foci upon the comparison and contrast of four English language skill anxieties and career anxiety between the high English achievers (HEA) and the low English achievers (LEA).
To conduct this study, 318 English major students from four universities in Taiwan were recruited. According to their English proficiency levels, those at CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment) A2 level or below were recognized as LEA while those at CEFR B2 or above, HEA. There were totally 67 HEA and 96 LEA selected as the final subjects for this study. The subjects were asked to answer a self-reported questionnaire with four subscales measuring English listening, speaking, reading, and writing anxieties respectively and one subscale measuring career anxiety. Moreover, 17 HEA and 15 LEA from the four universities were selected and interviewed in order to gain the qualitative responses to the causes of the four English language skill anxieties and career anxiety. After that, the data collected from the questionnaires were quantitatively analyzed and those from the interviews were qualitatively analyzed.
On the basis of the data analyses, the major findings of the present study are illustrated as follows:
1.The higher mean scores of the LEA responses prove that the LEA experienced higher English listening anxiety than the HEA. Besides, there are 11 significant differences in the LEA and the HEA responses to English listening anxiety. To be specific, compared with the HEA, the LEA were more prone to being unable to guess about the missing parts, utilizing word-by-word translation method for listening comprehension, and worrying about fast speaking pace while listening in English.
2.The higher mean scores of the LEA responses show that the LEA had higher English speaking anxiety than the HEA. Besides, there are 11 significant differences in the LEA and the HEA responses to English speaking anxiety. To be specific, compared with the HEA, the LEA were more inclined to be shy while speaking publicly on the stage, have bad self-evaluation for their pronunciation, and be not willing to devote themselves to coping with communicative difficulty by utilizing communicative strategies.
3.The higher mean scores of the LEA responses indicate that the LEA showed higher English reading anxiety than the HEA. Besides, there are nine significant differences in the LEA and the HEA responses to English reading anxiety. To be specific, compared with the HEA, the LEA had more worry about the reading effect, felt more intimidated whenever seeing English script, and got more nervous if the topic of the text they read was unfamiliar to them.
4.The higher mean scores of the LEA responses present that the LEA suffered from higher English writing anxiety than the HEA. In addition, there are 11 significant differences in the LEA and the HEA responses to English writing anxiety. To be specific, compared with the HEA, the LEA got more panicked by writing compositions under time constraint, were more apt to avoid writing English compositions, and were more afraid of their compositions being chosen as samples for discussion.
5.The higher mean scores of the LEA responses implicate that the LEA felt higher EFL career anxiety than the HEA. Besides, there are nine significant differences in the LEA and the HEA responses to EFL career anxiety. To be specific, compared with the HEA, the LEA were less confident of finding an English-related job, were more worried about the insufficiency of their English proficiency for their future career, and felt more worried that having an English-related job could not help them to achieve their life goals.
6.English listening anxiety, English speaking anxiety, English reading anxiety, English writing anxiety, EFL career anxiety, and English proficiency are significantly correlated with one another. Totally, 15 significant correlations are recognized. To be specific, four English language skill anxieties are positively correlated with one another and with career anxiety. Besides, four English language skill anxieties and career anxiety are negatively correlated with English proficiency.
This study concludes with pedagogical implications for EFL teachers, students, and career counselors. For EFL teachers, they may notice that students with lower language proficiency need more attention and assistance in coping with their language anxiety, compared with those with higher proficiency. They may also warn students the possible negative impacts of language anxiety and encourage them to utilize some strategies suitable for them in order to cope with it. For EFL students, they may adopt more positive attitude toward their learning, get higher self-esteem and confidence about themselves and their learning than before. They may also lessen their cognitive chaos in their learning as well as their using of the target language, which are caused by their anxiety. For career counselors, they may realize that some career anxiety is general to all their clients, but some is profession-specific.  They may also be aware of profession-specific career anxiety, design different scales to assess it, and administer different treatments for it.
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