

作者(外文):HUNG, Pin-Jui
主題關鍵詞:暫停暫停因素暫停時機教練回饋暫停效益timeoutstimeout factortimeout timingcoaching feedbacktimeout effectiveness
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籃球教練在比賽中必須覺察雙方球隊之優缺,善用暫停調整球隊比賽之節奏,暫停不隸屬比賽時間,卻足以掌控比賽節奏與勝負,教練的觀看可藉由暫停之回饋,調整球隊比賽之整體表現。本研究以教育盃籃球賽為研究場域,藉由國中甲組女籃之M教練與高中甲組女籃之S教練作為個案研究對象,探討籃球教練在比賽中請求暫停的因素、時機與回饋內容,進而探討暫停後的效益。透過「教練暫停決策因素量表」、「暫停時機之場記表」、「暫停效益之場記表」、「教練訪談大綱」進行資料蒐集,將所得之研究結果進行分析,發現:1. M教練以戰術模擬、S教練以關鍵時刻為請求暫停主要因素,2位教練共同之請求暫停因素為球隊失去進攻與防守節奏;2.暫停時機對象部分為主動請求暫停高於被動請求暫停,在節次部分以第四節請求暫停最多,在節序部分則是後段請求次數最多,比分則是在6-9分請求暫停最多;3.暫停之回饋內容主要以M教練暫停目的為修正球隊整體狀況,S教練目的在贏得比賽的勝利,且在決勝期有較多預測性的回饋,2位教練在落後時,回饋態度偏向責備的口氣,主要目的在提升球員的專注力與激發球員的自信心。4.暫停之效益方面,2位教練在比分效益以及內容效益之主動暫停高於被動暫停,另外在內容效益都高於比分效益,意旨教練適時的請求暫停有助於球隊比賽表現。建議後續研究能探討不同層級、年齡層之教練暫停回饋,厚植相關研究作為培育籃球教練的基礎課程之一,藉此提升在籃球教練之專業能力。
Basketball coaches must identify opposing teams’ strengths and weaknesses during the game and control game flow through the use of time-outs. Time-outs are not part of the playing time but are critical enough to control the game flow and even determine the outcome of a game. Feedback provided during time-outs could be used to reset the team for a better performance. The purpose of the study was to examine the factor and timing to call time-outs, feedback given during time-outs, and benefits after time-outs. Participants included Coach M at a junior high school and Coach S at a high school. Data were collected through “Coach Timeout Decision-Making Scale”, “Timeout Timing Recording Sheet”, “Timeout Effectiveness Recording Sheet”, and “Coach Interview” from the Education Cup Basketball Tournament. Data analysis revealed that Coach M used time-outs to give game strategies while Coach S called time-outs during critical times. Both called time-outs for losing offense and defense flow. Both coaches called time-outs more proactively then reactively. They also called more time-outs during the second halves than the first, especially during the fourth quarters. They called the most time-outs when the game scores were 6 to 9 points apart. Coach M mainly used time-outs to reset the team while Coach S’s purpose was to take the victory. Both coaches tended to scold the players when giving feedback, which was meant to get them focused and provoke confidence. As for benefits after time-outs, both coaches received more score benefits and content benefits from proactive time-outs than from reactive time-outs, which suggested that prompt timeouts called by coaches would help team performance. Followed-up studies could investigate in time-out feedback at different level and age groups. Such research will help coaching education and professional development.

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