

作者(外文):Meng, Fan-Wu
主題關鍵詞:認知功能注意力優秀運動員cognitive functionsattentionselite athletes
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  Previous: Thestudies have been reported athletes have superior performance on a task measuring attention and sensorimotor abilities. However, how does the type of sports training shapes cognitive profile and whether the age effect on veteran professional athletes have slower aging trajectories still unknown. Methods:In this study, we recruit a total of 105 participants with specialized in badminton sports, volleyball sports, who all represented of Taiwan compete at international events and healthy adult controls who did not receive any regular sports training. Of which, veteran professional athletes (former badminton player and volleyball player) were also recruited. All participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire before performing the cognitive assessments to acquire the training background and demographic information. We are then using cognitive testing to measure spatial attention, sensory memory, cognitive flexibility, motor inhibition, and attention networks. Results: In the young group, between-group comparison showed athlete had better performance on sensory memory, attention shifts, response stopping, and alerting a network of attention than controls. Specifically, volleyball player has superior performance on iconic memory, stopping the behavior and alerting attention, whereas badminton player outperforms control group on iconic memory, alerting attention and basic processing speed. Moreover, we did not observe any between-group differences in visual-spatial attention with a change detection paradigm. The results suggest that athletes have a slower decay rate of human sensory memory and better attention shifts between different tasks. Team player displays better cognitive abilities than individual sports, which may due to different training modalities and sports features that involve a more complex cognitive process. Particularly, Between-group comparison showed that young badminton player has better performance on orienting and conflict monitoring network, indicating that young badminton player had better ability to direct attention towards sensory input and to resolve conflicts between responses. Specifically, young badminton player had better performance on different cue-target conditions than elderly badminton player, further, speed-accuracy confirmed that younger group have higher efficiency in processing different cue information. Overall, elderly veteran professional athletes showed no significant difference among this cognitive ability, and typically have worsened performance than young adult athletes. Conclusion:Our findings may reflect the type of sports training reshape cognitive skills in team/individual sports expertise. Age effect on cognitive declines still observable even experienced high-intensity training while young. We end with discussed some limitations regarding both sample size and the definition of top sport expertise.
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