

主題關鍵詞:企業經營策略策略聯盟聯盟績效城鄉創生中小企業城鄉創生Business strategystrategic alliancealliance performancetownship revitalizationSBTR
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In this study, the population is 233 SMEs (167 in 107 and 66 in 110) received SBTR subsidies from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). A total of 233 questionnaires were distributed, and 8 invalid questionnaires with incomplete and consistent response options were excluded. In total, 228 valid questionnaires were finally collected, with a valid questionnaire return rate of 96%. The analysis methods of this study included descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, mediating effect analysis, moderating effect analysis, variance analysis, and structural equation modeling using partial least square method. The purpose of the study is to understand the relationships among core competitiveness, competitive advantage, strategic alliance partner selection, and alliance performance, and their differences through questionnaire. Finally, based on the results of the study, the academic theoretical implications and practical management implications were proposed as a reference for the busnesses receiving subsidies from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) under the "Promoting Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Urban and Rural Entrepreneurship Program".
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