

作者(外文):Chiu, Hui-Ling
主題關鍵詞:校長學習領導學校本位課程學生學習成效教師專業學習principals’ leadership for learningschool-based curriculumstudents' achievementteacher professional learning
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In the face of the global emphasis on the international evaluation of students' academic ability, the concern of students' learning effectiveness, and the promotion of the new 12-year national basic education curriculum in Taiwan, how the principal lead the school to develop a student-centered curriculum has become the expectation of the public.This research adopts the method of narrative research, using documents as the main research data, supplemented by participant observation and interviews, and adopts the writing style of self-narrative to describe and analyze the researcher's experience in Hope Elementary School from the 106th to the 110th school year, how to solve the problems and conflicts of curriculum development with the school-based curriculum of learning leadership development. The purpose of this study is : First, to explore the process of principals developing school-based curriculum through learning leadership. 2. Explore the mode of school-based curriculum developed by principals through learning leadership. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The school-based curriculum is a dynamic development process that emphasizes facts, understandings and connections through the development of learning leadership by principals. 2. Principals take the core of the school-based curriculum model for learning leadership development, including "co-constructing a learning vision, positioning curriculum development based on learning", "making good use of students' factual information, equality and frequent professional dialogue", "curriculum organization community, each community interaction", "Arousing awareness and empowering, sharing and sharing performance responsibilities" and 3. Principals use the learning leadership development school-based curriculum model to establish the connotation and relationship of student learning in curriculum planning and design, preparation and implementation, effect and evaluation position. Finally, based on the research findings, suggestions are made for principals to develop school-based curriculum through learning leadership, educational administration agencies, and future related research.
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