

題名:The Effect of Trait Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Coping Strategy, and Parenting stress on the Quality-of-Life Parents with Autistic Children
主題關鍵詞:Trait MindfulnessSelf-CompassionCoping StrategyParenting stressQuality-of-LifeParents with Autistic ChildrenTrait MindfulnessSelf-CompassionCoping StrategyParenting stressQuality-of-LifeParents with Autistic Children
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Parents with autism children deal with internal and external issues more often than those with typically normal children. They suffer a lot from high-level parenting stress, ineffective coping strategies that affect their quality of life. The trait mindfulness and self-compassion effect on quality-of-life with parenting stress and coping strategy as mediator.
We conducted three research topics in the dissertation project. The first study was carried out a systematic review of the worldwide literature regarding trait mindfulness, parenting stress, coping strategy, quality of life, and self-compassion of parents with autism children. The second study was testified the validity and reliability of the suitable mindfulness construct for measuring trait mindfulness amidst parents with autism children in Indonesia. The third was investigated the effect of the trait mindfulness on the quality-of-life parent with autism children with parenting stress and coping strategy as mediator.
In the first study, data are collected using Scopus, PubMed, Wiley, ScienceDirect Online (SDOL), and Ebsco. Next, Both the first and the second studies were reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Protocol. In addition, PRISMA rules are used to carry over data analysis for a systematic review. In the second study, the data were assessed by Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Revision (CAMS-R) and analyzed by the LISREL 8.8 program in the construction of a validity test through confirmatory factor analysis.
In the third study, five instruments were occupied to collect the data: Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Revision (CAMS-R), Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF), parental–developmental disorder-quality of life (Par-DD-QoL), CERQ for measure coping strategy and Self- Compassion Scale. Analyzed data using structural equation model to analyze the hypothesis generated from these three studies.
Result of first study showed that parents with autism children had high-stress levels. High level of parenting stress has a negative significant correlation with coping strategy and the QoL of parents. Trait mindfulness effect on the quality of life with parenting stress as mediator. Trait mindfulness has a negative effect on parenting stress and coping strategies. Adaptive coping strategies were related to higher QoL, whereas maladaptive coping techniques were related to worse QoL. The coping strategy was found as a potential mediatory function between parental stress and the QoL. While self-compassion has a positive significant on quality of life with parenting stress as a mediator.
Result of second study showed that parents with autism children have high stress levels. This is associated with the ineffective use of coping strategies and a low QoL. Adaptive coping strategies are related to a higher QoL, whereas maladaptive coping techniques are related to a worse QoL. Positive reappraisal coping is negatively correlated to meaningfulness, and it is used by parents to change their daily routines in order to motivate themselves towards new and evolving goals in life. Finally, we found a significant negative correlation between parenting stress, positive reappraisal coping and the QoL of parents with autism children. Positive reappraisal coping as a strategy helps parents adapt to stress and was found to be a potential mediatory function between parenting stress and QoL
Results of second study showed that CAMS-R does not meet GOF requirements because its value is still above the 0.08 threshold. The second model, Ina-CAMS-R, is the best model and can be used for a sample of a parent with autism children in Indonesia with 9 items that have good validity and reliability. Study 3 Shows that trait mindfulness has a positive effect on the quality of life with parenting stress and coping strategy as the mediator, and self-compassion has positive effect on quality of life with parenting stress as the mediator.
Results of the third study showed that in testing the model of the effect trait mindfulness and self-compassion on the quality-of-life parents with autism children with coping strategy and parenting stress as mediators, we found variables that have a direct and indirect effect on other variables. In the direct effect, we conclude that there are four variables that have direct effect on quality of life: trait mindfulness on parenting stress, parenting stress on QoL, parenting stress on coping strategy and self-compassion on QoL.
In the indirect effect, we conclude that trait mindfulness has a positive effect on QoL with parenting stress as a mediator, parenting stress has a negative effect on QoL with coping strategy as a mediator, trait mindfulness has a negative effect on QoL with parenting stress and coping strategy as a mediator, and self-compassion has a positive effect on QoL with parenting stress as mediator.
Parents with autism children deal with internal and external issues more often than those with typically normal children. They suffer a lot from high-level parenting stress, ineffective coping strategies that affect their quality of life. The trait mindfulness and self-compassion effect on quality-of-life with parenting stress and coping strategy as mediator.
We conducted three research topics in the dissertation project. The first study was carried out a systematic review of the worldwide literature regarding trait mindfulness, parenting stress, coping strategy, quality of life, and self-compassion of parents with autism children. The second study was testified the validity and reliability of the suitable mindfulness construct for measuring trait mindfulness amidst parents with autism children in Indonesia. The third was investigated the effect of the trait mindfulness on the quality-of-life parent with autism children with parenting stress and coping strategy as mediator.
In the first study, data are collected using Scopus, PubMed, Wiley, ScienceDirect Online (SDOL), and Ebsco. Next, Both the first and the second studies were reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Protocol. In addition, PRISMA rules are used to carry over data analysis for a systematic review. In the second study, the data were assessed by Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Revision (CAMS-R) and analyzed by the LISREL 8.8 program in the construction of a validity test through confirmatory factor analysis.
In the third study, five instruments were occupied to collect the data: Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Revision (CAMS-R), Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF), parental–developmental disorder-quality of life (Par-DD-QoL), CERQ for measure coping strategy and Self- Compassion Scale. Analyzed data using structural equation model to analyze the hypothesis generated from these three studies.
Result of first study showed that parents with autism children had high-stress levels. High level of parenting stress has a negative significant correlation with coping strategy and the QoL of parents. Trait mindfulness effect on the quality of life with parenting stress as mediator. Trait mindfulness has a negative effect on parenting stress and coping strategies. Adaptive coping strategies were related to higher QoL, whereas maladaptive coping techniques were related to worse QoL. The coping strategy was found as a potential mediatory function between parental stress and the QoL. While self-compassion has a positive significant on quality of life with parenting stress as a mediator.
Result of second study showed that parents with autism children have high stress levels. This is associated with the ineffective use of coping strategies and a low QoL. Adaptive coping strategies are related to a higher QoL, whereas maladaptive coping techniques are related to a worse QoL. Positive reappraisal coping is negatively correlated to meaningfulness, and it is used by parents to change their daily routines in order to motivate themselves towards new and evolving goals in life. Finally, we found a significant negative correlation between parenting stress, positive reappraisal coping and the QoL of parents with autism children. Positive reappraisal coping as a strategy helps parents adapt to stress and was found to be a potential mediatory function between parenting stress and QoL
Results of second study showed that CAMS-R does not meet GOF requirements because its value is still above the 0.08 threshold. The second model, Ina-CAMS-R, is the best model and can be used for a sample of a parent with autism children in Indonesia with 9 items that have good validity and reliability. Study 3 Shows that trait mindfulness has a positive effect on the quality of life with parenting stress and coping strategy as the mediator, and self-compassion has positive effect on quality of life with parenting stress as the mediator.
Results of the third study showed that in testing the model of the effect trait mindfulness and self-compassion on the quality-of-life parents with autism children with coping strategy and parenting stress as mediators, we found variables that have a direct and indirect effect on other variables. In the direct effect, we conclude that there are four variables that have direct effect on quality of life: trait mindfulness on parenting stress, parenting stress on QoL, parenting stress on coping strategy and self-compassion on QoL.
In the indirect effect, we conclude that trait mindfulness has a positive effect on QoL with parenting stress as a mediator, parenting stress has a negative effect on QoL with coping strategy as a mediator, trait mindfulness has a negative effect on QoL with parenting stress and coping strategy as a mediator, and self-compassion has a positive effect on QoL with parenting stress as mediator.
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