

作者(外文):Hung, Wei-Tse
主題關鍵詞:先進製程控制系統虛擬量測決策支援系統批次控制系統錯誤偵測與分類深度學習卷積神經網路Advanced Process ControlVirtual MetrologyDecision Support SystemRun-to-Run Control SystemFault Detection and ClassificationDeep LearningConvolutional Neural Network
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Semiconductor manufacturing employed advanced process control (APC) to ensure the yield and production capacity under complex processes. APC system can be roughly divided into three subsystems according to different purposes to control, assess, and monitor the process variance. In the case of continuous technology migration of semiconductor manufacturing, many studies developed various technologies to improve the validity of each subsystem. However, the effectiveness of yield enhancement by improving each subsystem individually remains limited. A framework that considers the interaction relationship between APC subsystems is needed to improve the existing gap. Therefore, this study proposed a decision support system of virtual metrology (VM) that consider the influence between VM and run-to-run control (R2R), and the interaction between fault detection and classification (FDC) and VM. And establish a decision-making process to assist engineers in effectively using the predicted value of quality characteristics to achieve the goal of yield enhancement.
Two empirical studies were conducted in a leading semiconductor manufacturing company in Taiwan to validate the feasibility of the proposed framework. The first study constructs a decision-based virtual metrology framework that considered the case of failure risk when using VM predictors in R2R systems. The second study proposed a strategy to simplify the process of the redefine monitoring rule.
李家岩、洪佑鑫 (2022),製造數據科學,前程文化,新北市。
簡禎富 (2015),決策分析與管理,雙葉書廊,台北。
簡禎富 (2019),工業3.5,天下雜誌,台北。
簡禎富 (2022),藍湖策略,天下雜誌,台北。
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