

作者(外文):Andrew Hui-Chun Chuang
主題關鍵詞:互為主觀性正向反諷激進構式語法語用學句法學認知語言學intersubjectivitypositive ironyRadical Construction GrammarpragmaticssyntaxCognitive Linguistics
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本論文旨在透過激進構式語法 (Radical Construction Grammar) 為語用中之互為主觀性(intersubjectivity) 以及正向反諷 (positive irony) 間之關係提供一個新的研究模式。精確來說,本論文探討正向反諷之語用功能如何被構式化 (constructionalized),進而證明此正向反諷之構式為一“互為主觀性化之結構”(intersubjectified construction)。目前的構式語法理論多元,且多著力於能夠完整描述語言之樣貌,但卻往往在需要處理語用或大腦認知層次之階段感到力猶未逮。本研究透過分析三個特定之正向反諷構式結構 (positive-ironic constructions) 探索語言之認知機制,進而在構式語法的框架下,為語用句法研究之介面提供新的解決方法。正向反諷之使用雖曾被提及具有協助建立說話者間關係之功能,但在文獻上相較於負向反諷 (negative irony) 卻極少被討論。本論文不但由認知語言學的角度探究正向反諷,更跳脫原本只侷限在雙邊關係 (dyadic interaction) 之反諷研究,進而檢視三邊之互動關係 (triadic interaction),進一步探討互為主觀性本身如何成為正向反諷構式結構所包含之認知功能之一。每個討論反諷構式的章節都聚焦並反映一種認知機制,本論文透過三個正向反諷之構式分析,提供構式語法理論分析語用現象時之解決方法。
This doctoral dissertation presents a novel exploration into the relationship between intersubjectivity and positive irony through the lens of Radical Construction Grammar (RCG)—i.e., how a linguistic construction may encode (constructionalize) the pragmatic-discursive function of positive irony that reflects intersubjectivity as an intersubjectified construction? Despite the ambition of existing construction grammars to provide comprehensive understandings of language, these frameworks have struggled to adequately incorporate the pragmatic and cognitive (metarepresentational) dimensions of language use. By examining the cognitive mechanisms underlying three positive-ironic constructions, this study seeks to bridge the existing theoretical gap, contributing a solution to the longstanding issue of connecting syntax and pragmatics within constructionist frameworks. The central theme of the research is positive irony, an aspect within linguistics that, despite its importance in facilitating the establishment of social bonds and enhancing communicative exchanges, has received relatively limited attention in scholarly discourse. Rather than adhering to the conventional dyadic interaction analyses, this investigation extends its purview to include triadic situations, thereby promoting a more comprehensive understanding of how intersubjectivity is encapsulated in positive-ironic constructions from a cognitive-functional perspective. Each distinct construction imparts a unique contribution to solving the research questions, thereby enhancing the overall comprehension of the research topic.
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