

主題關鍵詞:人權途徑居住權運動公共住宅國際人權建制適足的住房Rights-based ApproachHousing Right MovementPublic HousingInternational Human Rights RegimeAdequate Housing
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In the early 21st century, the world's urban population is more than rural population for the first time. The lack of sufficient housing has become increasingly a serious urban problem, especially in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. According to statistics from the United Nations, urban population will grow by 2 billion in 2030, and low-income countries will account for about 94% of this growth. Despite successful economic development in Asia, human rights violations on urban residents continue to occur in wealthy cities, including housing commodification, forced eviction, and housing discrimination. Against this background, this study analyzes the relationships between the housing right movement and the changes on public housing policy through the rights-based approach, and discusses the cases of Taipei and Hong Kong to illustrate the development of the protection of housing right in different contexts.
Hong Kong and Taipei are two cities at the metropolitan level with the least affordable housing markets in the world. They have similar cultural and economic development experiences, but their different histories and political systems show that international human rights norms exert different influences on the housing right movement in these two places. Since its establishment in 2010, the Social Housing Advocacy Consortium in Taipei has successfully urged both the central government in Taiwan and the Taipei City to build more public housing. After Taiwan's first transfer political power in 2000, political democratization proceeded stably. The Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has introduced the international human rights regime into Taiwan. Through periodical reviews of the national reports by international experts, the political opportunities for the housing right movement have broadened.
In contrast, Hong Kong was a member of the international human rights community earlier than Taiwan. Under the rule of the British Hong Kong government, it had applied the two core international human rights covenants and submitted national reports through the British government. However, since its return to China in 1997, the political participation is increasingly limited and the civil society has less opportunities to play a role in public housing policy and urban evictions. International human rights treaties and monitoring and reporting mechanisms have very limited effects on the right to housing in Hong Kong. Judging from Hong Kong’s public housing rent reduction campaign and judicial review, although Hong Kong applies the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, it has not established comprehensive domestic laws, so the court can only invoke part of it, losing the basic protection of the right of residence.
This study argues that expanding political participation is an important part of implementing the protection of housing rights. Yet, as there is no institution for the disadvantaged groups to play a role in the decision-making process in Taipei, they cannot fully participate in the planning and implementation of social housing policies. For Hong Kong, it is limited by the changing political environments. After the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong in 2019, the housing right groups can only retreat to the community to provide services for the poor and vulnerable.
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