

作者(外文):Chen, Tai-juiChen, Ming-chaoLin, Ching-huaLiu, Ching-hweiYu, Younger W. Y.
主題關鍵詞:聽覺誘發波未治療精神分裂症簡短精神症狀量表Auditory event-related potentialsUnmedicatedSchizophreniaBPRS
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     Objective: The generation of long-latency auditory event-related potentials involves the response to external acoustic stimuli, and also reflects cognitive activities. The four electrophysiological components most frequently studied are N100, P200, N200, P300. The various components of auditory event-related potentials were studied in drug-naive schizophrenic patients to examine the electrophysiological changes. Methods: Enrolled subjects were categorized into three groups, designated as drug-naive schizophrenia, drug-free schizophrenia and normal control. Thirty-seven drug-naive patients and 29 who had been drug-free for at least four weeks were selected for the first two categories. Psychiatric symptoms were assessed and scored according to BPRS. The control group consisted of 55 normal age-matched individuals. Auditory event-related potentials were investigated for all three groups of patients based on the oddball paradigm. Results: Decreased amplitudes for N100 and P300 components were observed for the two psychiatric-patient groups, while N200 latency was prolonged. Negative symptoms were correlated with prolonged N200 latency and decreased P300 amplitude, with no significant correlation demonstrated for positive symptoms and auditory event-related potentials. Conclusion: No statistically significant difference was demonstrated for long-latency response parameters comparing drug-naive and drug-free schizophrenia patient groups. For our schizophrenic patients, the decreased amplitude demonstrated for both the N100 and P300 components, and the prolonged N200 latency are comparable with most other studies.
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