

題名:Clinical Validation of the Related Factors and Defining Characteristics of Impaired Swallowing for Patients with Stroke
書刊名:The Journal of Nursing Research
作者:鄭綺 引用關係許寶鶯陳靜敏陳淑如 引用關係曾櫻枝
作者(外文):Jeng, ChiiSheu, Pao-yingChen, Ching-minChen, Su-ruTseng, Ing-gy
主題關鍵詞:中風患者吞嚥障礙相關因素定義性特徵Stroke patientImpaired swallowingRelated factorDefining characteristic
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     本研究為探測性研究,目的在探討腦中風患者「吞嚥障礙」相關因素及定義性特徵之信效度。研究對象主要有三:(1)12位專家;(2)52位神經內科病房護理人員; (3)107位腦中風患者,經布氏吞嚥障礙篩檢(BDST)為陽性者51位,陰性者56位。效度測定包括專家效度、診斷內容效度法(DCV)、建構效度及區辨效度。研究結果顯示,吞嚥障礙相關因素有十七項、定義性特徵有十二項之DCV score > 0.5。十二項定義性特徵之內在一致信度為0.89,經因素分析萃取出兩個因素:因素I「高危險性吸入暨語言障礙表徵」、因素II「無效的進食表徵」,並經邏輯式迴歸分析,得到五項主要定義性特徵為:口腔內食物滯留、急性食物吸入的跡象、後咽部燒灼感或癢刺感、食物掉出或漏出嘴唇外、及咳嗽力量變小。本研究結果可作為臨床腦中風患者吞嚥障礙具體、有效的評估工具。
     This exploratory study was conducted to examine the reliability and validity of related factors and defining characteristics of impaired swallowing for stroke patients. Sample of the study included (1) 12 nursing experts, (2) 52 nurses who work in neurological wards, and (3) 107 stroke patients who were divided into a BDST (Burks Dysphagia Screening Test)-positive group (n = 51) and a BDST-negative group (n = 56). Data were collected and validated based on expert validity, diagnostic content validity (DCV), construct validity, and discriminate validity. Results showed that the DCV scores of 17 related factors and 12 defining characteristics were all greater than 0.5. The internal consistency of the 12 defining characteristics was demonstrated by a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.89. Two factors were extracted from the 12 defining characteristics after factor analysis; these were "high risk of aspiration with speech disorder" and "ineffectiveness of swallowing". Five major defining characteristics, i.e. pocketing of food, signs of acute aspiration, burning or tickling at the back of the throat, spitting food or food leaking from the mouth, and weak or hoarse cough, were determined by logistic regression. The findings of this study suggest that the 17 related factors and 12 defining characteristics are reliable and valid in diagnosing the problem of impaired swallowing for stroke patients.
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