

作者(外文):Hsu, Ching-hsiung
主題關鍵詞:人權保障平等原則司法審查基準Human rightsJudicial reviewEqual principle
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     「平等」在現代基本人權體系中,在意義與性質上,仍然是一個抽象的、不易掌握的原則。因此,在實際的運作中,如何適用平等原則來處理各種人權之間的問題,便是一個非常複雜的課題。本論文主要在於探討平等原則適用的範圍與對象,藉由從不同的層面,例如人權體系、國家權力制度及私社會等三部份,來釐清平等原則在適用時的界限。 本論文主要分為三部分,首先就「平等」一詞的基本概念,加以釐清。因為平等是涉及人權保障、憲法解釋及憲法審判的基本原理,若不先釐清其其本概念,即無法進一步探討其他部分的人權保障。此章分為三部分,第一部份為平等思想的源流及其歷史發展。第二部分針對平等是一種「權利」(right),抑或只是一種「原則」(principle)的爭議,做一理論的探討。第三部分論述各種平等概念之間的關係及其意義,藉由各種平等概念之間的比較與闡釋,以更明確地勾勒出平等在現代人權保障體系中所應展現的面貌。 其次,探討美、日、德、義、法等國平等保障原則之形成及其發展。這些國家在其歷史發展上均存在有不平等對待的狀況,但隨著民主自由、人權保障思想的興起,這些人類生活中所存在的種種不平等待遇,開始受到來自各方的質疑與關注。於是各種為受壓迫者爭取基本權利的組織與活動相繼而起,也因司法的訴訟產生不少具有深遠影響力的判例。因此,藉由對這些司法判例的探討,即可窺知平等保障原則在近代人權保障體系中所具有的地位。 最後,於結論的部分,探討目前臺灣有關平等原則的相關問題。 「平等」在現代基本人權體系中,在意義與性質上,仍然是一個抽象的、不易掌握的原則。因此,在實際的運作中,如何適用平等原則來處理各種人權之間的問題,便是一個非常複雜的課題。本論文主要在於探討平等原則適用的範圍與對象,藉由從不同的層面,例如人權體系、國家權力制度及私社會等三部份,來釐清平等原則在適用時的界限。
     Modern democratic nations advocate the protection of "Equality", but the meaning of the Principle is still abstract and uncertain. Therefore, it is somehow complicated to apply such a principle to solve the issues of human rights. This essay is to discuss the limits of "Equal Principle" by means of three parts which are human rights system, national power, and private society. On the other side, rational modification and limit should be emphasized, lest we should run into a predicament of protecting "Absolute Equality". During the developing process of "Equality," its meanings and contents change with the different ages and societies. Therefore, this research paper, firstly, discusses the basic meaning of "Equality". Today, national power inevitably intervenes the operating process of equality protection, but the most important problem is how to deal with and balance the relationship between "Equality Protection" and "National Power," including their limits, standards, etc so that human rights can be protected in a reasonable way, and that is what the second part of this paper focus on. The last part is to examine the issues about" Equal Principle" in Taiwan.
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