

題名:A Cognitive Study of the Conceptual Structure of Container-Derived Classifiers in Mandarin Chinese
作者(外文):Lee, Adrienne Chingkwei
主題關鍵詞:量詞容器量詞認知語意學語言和概念ClassifiersContainer-derived classifiersCognitive semanticsLanguage and conceptualizationFrameSchemaMarkedUnmarkedLandmarkTrajectorProfileUsage-based grammarMental lexicon
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the conceptual structure of container-derived classifiers in contemporary Mandarin Chinese used in Taiwan. classifiers in general, classifiers in Chinese, and container-derived classifiers are introduced first, and then a short sketch of cognitive grammar is given to set the heretical framework. A conceptual cognitive analysis of container-derived classifiers. A conclusion is given at the end.
本研究之目的在於探討目前臺灣使用的漢語中容器量詞的概念結構。首牨,介紹一般的量詞、漢語量詞、以及容器名詞轉化而成的容器量詞。之後,簡述做為理架構的認知語法。再根據認知語法理論的觀點,分析容器量詞。皆析之結果,將容器量詞歸納為三類:1.位置指標(a location indicator),2.測量之次單位(a second-level unit of measure),3.在非時間關係中的基準(a landmark in an atemporal relation)。之後,再探討容器量詞的三個使用條件:1.容器量詞之後的名詞所指的物質均為該容器可容納之物質,2.在概念上,容器量詞所能容納的最大容量,即為容器量詞之後的名詞的數量,3.每一個人使用容器量詞時都不會出現任問題,他們會用典型的容器量詞也會用隱喻型的容量詞。本研究顯示出容器量詞在研究語言與認知的關係中所佔的重要地位,而且忽略了容器量詞的探討,在量詞的研究上可能會是一大缺失。
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