

作者:游慧光 引用關係魏銘賜
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1.孫克難(19970700)。臺灣地區政府支出成長之政經因素分析。財稅研究,29(4),1-20。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Bleaney, M. F.(1996)。Macroeconomic Stability, Investment and Growth in Developing Countries。Journal of Development Economics,48(2),461-477。  new window
3.謝啟瑞、林建甫、游慧光(19980300)。臺灣醫療保健支出成長原因的探討。人文及社會科學集刊,10(1),1-32。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Kormendi, R. C.(1983)。Government Debt, Government Spending, and Private Sector Behavior。American Economic Review,73(5),994-1010。  new window
5.Johansen, S.、Juselius, K.(1992)。Testing structural hypotheses in a multivariate cointegration analysis of the PPP and the UIP for UK。Journal of Econometrics,53(1-3),211-244。  new window
6.Aschauer, D. A.(1989)。Does Public Capital Crowd Out Private Capital?。Journal of Monetary Economics,24,171-188。  new window
7.Barro, R. J.(1987)。Government Spending, Interest Rates, Prices, and Budget Deficits in the United Kingdom。Journal of Monetary Economics,20(2),221-247。  new window
8.施富士(20000500)。我國政府支出成長之政經決策模型--各級政府總支出之實證分析。財稅研究,32(3),42-63。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.黃臺心、陳正佑(19940100)。政府支出與預算赤字對利率之影響--臺灣地區之實證研究。企銀季刊,17(3),103-119。  延伸查詢new window
10.Barro, R. J.(1981)。Output effects of government purchases。Journal of Political Economy,89(6),1086-1121。  new window
11.黃臺心、陳正佑(19931000)。政府支出與預算赤字對利率之影響--臺灣地區之實證研究。企銀季刊,17(2),68-84。  延伸查詢new window
12.Barro, R. J.(1989)。The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits。Journal of Economic Perspectives,3(2),37-54。  new window
13.Bahmani-Oskooee, M.(1999)。Do Federal Budget Deficits Crowd Out or Crowd In Private Investment?。Journal of Policy Modeling,21(5),633-640。  new window
14.Evans, P.(1988)。Are Consumers Ricardian? Evidence for United States。Journal of Political Economy,96(5),983-1002。  new window
15.Aschauer, D. A.(1985)。Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand。American Economic Review,75(1),117-127。  new window
16.Bernheim, B. D.(1989)。A Neoclassical Perspective on Budget Deficits。Journal of Economic Perspectives,3(2),55-72。  new window
17.Becker, T.(1997)。An investigation of Ricardian equivalence in a common trends model。Journal of Monetary Economics,39,405-431。  new window
18.Domenech, R.、Taguas, D.、Varela, J.(2000)。The effects of budget deficit on national saving in the OECD。Economics Letters,69,377-383。  new window
19.Chan, A.、Gustafson, E.(1991)。An Empirical Examination of Government Expenditures and the Ex-Ante Crowding-Out Effect for the British Economy。Applied Economics,23(2),305-311。  new window
20.Boskin, M. J.、Robinson, M. S.(1985)。New Estimates of the Value of Federal Mineral Rights and Land。American Economic Review,75(5),923-936。  new window
21.Engle, R. E.、Yoo, B. S.(1987)。Forecasting and Testing in Co-Integrated Systems。Journal of Econometrics,35(1),143-159。  new window
22.Barro, Robert J.(1974)。Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?。Journal of Political Economy,82(6),1095-1117。  new window
23.Engle, Robert F.、Granger, Clive W. J.(1987)。Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing。Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society,55(2),251-276。  new window
1.霍德明、莊希豐(1990)。均衡學派的財政政策:台灣經濟的應用。中國經濟學會年會。  延伸查詢new window
1.Blanchard, O. J.、Fischer, S.(1989)。Lectures on Macroeconomics。MIT Press。  new window
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