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1.Graham, S.(1990)。The role of production factors in learning disabled students' compositions。Journal of Educational Psychology,82(4),781-791。  new window
2.林寶貴、錡寶香(20000600)。國小學童書寫語言測驗之編製。特殊教育與復健學報,8,53-74。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Graham, S.、Harris, K. R.、Larsen, L.(2001)。Prevention and intervention of writing difficulties for students with learning disabilities。Learning Disabilities Research & Practice,16(2),74-85。  new window
4.劉明松(19970800)。有效寫作教學策略之探討。教育資料文摘,40(2)=235,138-159。  延伸查詢new window
5.Baker, S.、Gersten, R.(2002)。Procedural facilitators and cognitive strategies: Tools for unraveling the mysteries of comprehension and the writing process, and for providing meaningful access to the general curriculum。Learning Disabilities Research and Practice,17(1),65-77。  new window
6.Englert, C. S.、Raphael, T.(1988)。Consturcting well-formed prose: Process, structure, and metacognition in the instruction of expository writing。Exceptional Children,54,513-520。  new window
7.Graham, S.、Harris, K. R.(1988)。Research and instruction in written language: Introduction to the special issue。Exceptional Children,54(6),495-496。  new window
8.Raphael, T. E.、Englert, C. S.(1990)。Writing and reading: Partners in constructing meaning。The Reading Teacher,43,388-400。  new window
9.Rousseau, M. K.、Bottge, B. A.、Dy, E. B.(1993)。Syntactic complexity in the writing of students with and without mental retardation。American Journal on Mental Retardation,98(1),113-120。  new window
10.De La Paz, S.、Graham, S.(1997)。Strategy instruction in planning: Effects on the writing performance and behavior of students with learning difficulties。Exceptional Children,63(2),167-181。  new window
11.Isaacson, S. L.(1987)。Effective instruction in written language。Focus on Exceptional Children,19(6),1-12。  new window
12.MacArthur, C. A.、Graham, S.(1987)。Learning disabled students' composing under three methods of text production: Handwriting word processing, and dictation。Journal of Special Education,21(3),22-42。  new window
13.Troia, G. A.、Graham, S.、Harris, K. R.(1999)。Teaching students with learning disabilities to mindfully plan when writing。Exceptional Children,65,235-252。  new window
14.Thomas, C.、Englert, C.、Greggs, S.(1987)。An analysis of errors and strategies in the expository writing of learning disabled students。Remedial and Special Education,8,21-30。  new window
1.李嘉齡(1995)。修改歷程教學對國小學童寫作成效之影響(碩士論文)。國立嘉義師範學院。  延伸查詢new window
2.鄭博真(1996)。寫作修改教學策略對國小學生寫作修改表現、寫作修改能力、寫作品質和寫作態度之影響研究(碩士論文)。國立台南師範學院。  延伸查詢new window
3.高令秋(1996)。歷程導向寫作教學法對國中聽覺障礙學生寫作能力影響之研究(碩士論文)。國立臺灣師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Bos, C. S.、Vaughn, S.(2002)。Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problem。Boston:Allyn & Bacon。  new window
2.Polloway, E. A.、Patton, J. R.(1997)。Strategies for teaching learners with special needs。Columbus, Ohio:Merrill。  new window
3.Pressly, M.(1995)。Cognitive strategy instruction that really imporves children's academic performance。Cambridge:Brookline Books。  new window
4.Lerner, Janet W.(2000)。Learning disabilities: Theories, diagnosis, and teaching strategies。Houghton Mifflin Company。  new window
5.張新仁(1992)。寫作教學研究。高雄:復文圖書出版社。  延伸查詢new window
6.陳弘昌(1999)。國小語文科教學研究。臺北:五南圖書出版股份有限公司。  延伸查詢new window
7.Mercer, C. D.(1997)。Students with Learning Disabilities。NY:Merrill。  new window
1.Scardamalia, M.、Bereiter, C.(1986)。Written composition。Handbook of research on teaching。NY:Macmillan。  new window
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