

作者:陳一郎 引用關係陳元和袁正綱
作者(外文):Chen, Yi-langChen, Yuan-hoYuan, Cheng-kang
主題關鍵詞:企業資源規劃關鍵成功因素個案研究Enterprise resource planningERPCritical success factorsCSFCase study
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科技進步提昇了企業快速取得內外部資訊的能力,經營方式也產生了重大的變化,過去被奉為圭臬的策略原則可能一夕土崩瓦解,為了提升競爭力,企業莫不致力於企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise resource planning, ERP)的導入,雖然目前國內業者對於ERP提昇企業經營績效的功能均有所體認,但對於如何成功導入ERP卻仍在摸索。本研究選定以成功導入ERP系統的個案企業,以問卷調查方式尋求導入ERP系統的關鍵成功因素(Critical success factor,CSF)。研究結果發現,在所探討的三個關鍵成功要項中,企業主管的宣示與決心,系統整合性的營運功能,落實的教育訓練是企業導入ERP系統的最重要關鍵因素;主成分分析結果則發現,主成分一顯示導入前準備與ERP系統特質對於ERP系統成功導入具關鍵性影響,變異解釋能力為65%,主成分二則將解釋能力增加至85%。在企業對ERP成功導入仍在摸索之際,本研究的結論將可作為國內企業導入ERP時的參考。
The main purpose of this study is conclude the critical success factors on implementing Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system through the channel of issuing questionnaire to P company, which has successfully implemented ERP system in Taiwan. The result of this study showed that there were three major factors, indeed intention and fully support from management level, the integrated system function, and solid training program, are most helpful for enterprises successfully implementing ERP systems. By the PCA (Principle components analysis) process, two critical factors are suggested (1)sound preparation before system implementation, and (2) the characteristics of the ERP system. The two factors are important due to their influences on system implementation with explanation is 65%, if adding another factors will increase the variation ability to 85%. Evaluating the effect of implementing ERP on the benefit is rather difficult at this moment since corresponding benchmark are not built up yet. This study proposes suggestions on how to successfully implement ERP systems, which may be provided as references to the enterprises.
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