

作者(外文):Teng, Tsai-yin
主題關鍵詞:體育教師工作滿足需求理論Physical education teacherJob satisfactoryTheory in need
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體育教師是各級學校內教師之一種,在學校體育中,體育教師多半擔任學校體育課教學、校隊組訓、運動競賽、場地管理維護及研究服務等工作,以發揮其本身角色之功能性目的。然而,面對目前社會的快速變遷與知識經濟時代的來臨,因此如何讓體育教師的有限能力得以充分發揮,並將多重的角色扮演得淋漓盡致,須確實激發教師的精神動力。而對於精神動力的產生,主要源自於教師本身對於教學工作所產生的價值取向與工作滿足程度。 本文首先對於體育教師的工作予以分析,並就工作滿足的重要性提出其理論背景,以文獻蒐集與探討之方式整理出體育教師對於工作滿意的現階段狀況,歸納分析出影響學校體育教師工作滿足的因素為何,以提供學校主管參考,期望面臨二十一世紀的潮流之時,教育進入一個競爭資源空前激烈的時代之際,為學校體育工作更往前邁進。
Physical Education (PE) teacher was one type of the many teaching jobs in all kind of schools. And in the school PE education, the PE teachers always play many different roles to develop their functions, for e.g., to teach the PE courses, to train the school representative teams, to arrange exercises/sports competition, to maintain the exercise court as well as to focus on services of researches. However, while encountering the rapid changes on the current society and that the coming of the knowledge economic time, PE teacher jobs became a serious subject, to an PE teacher, to entirely expand the very limited ability and playing throughtoutly the multiple roles by motivating the inside spirit of an PE teacher. How to build up this spirit is prinicipally originated in the degree of the job satisfactory, as well as its value tendency on the teaching job. In this article, it was analyzed the works of the PE teachers, developed the theory background on the importance of the job satisfactory. Through many discussions and relative information gathering, the conclusion on the factors and the impacts of the PE teachers’ job satisfactory was then formed to be for the reference of the school management. We expected that, when facing the trends of the 21century that the education was entering a time when the competition was much violated than any time before, the PE jobs can still step forwards to make progress.
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