

作者:林子欽 引用關係
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5.Adams, C.、Kent, R.(1991)。Landed Interests and Local Planning in the UK。Land Use Policy,36-49。  new window
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28.Adams, C.、May, H.(1991)。Active and Passive Behaviour in Land Ownership。Urban Studies,28(5),687-705。  new window
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30.Capozza, D. R.、Helsley, R. W.(1989)。The fundamentals of land prices and urban growth。Journal of Urban Economics,26,295-306。  new window
31.Mills, David E.(1981)。Growth, Speculation and Sprawl in a Monocentric City。Journal of Urban Economics,10,210-226。  new window
32.Munch, Partricia(1976)。An Economic Analysis of Eminent Domain。Journal of Political Economy,84(3),473-498。  new window
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37.Adams, D.、Baum, A.、MacGregor, B.(1988)。The Availability of Land for Inner City Development: A Case Study of Inner Manchester。Urban Studies,25,62-76。  new window
38.Evans, A.(1983)。The Determination of the Price of Land。Urban Studies,20,119-129。  new window
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40.Brown, H.、Phillips, R.、Roberts, N.(198104)。Land Markets at the Urban Fringe - New Insights for Policy Makers。American Planning Association Journal,131-144。  new window
41.Evans, A.(1987)。The Effect of a Development Gains Tax on the Timing of Development。Public Finance,42(2),325-331。  new window
42.Neutze, G. M.(1987)。The Supply of Land for a Particular Use。Urban Studies,24(5),379-388。  new window
43.Harvey, E.、Clark, W.(1965)。The Nature and Economics of Urban Sprawl。Land Economics,41(1),1-9。  new window
44.Ohls, J. C.、Pines, D.(1975)。Discontinuous urban development and economic efficiency。Land Economics,51(3),224-234。  new window
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1.Harvey, David(1973)。Social Justice and the City。Edward Arnold。  new window
2.Prest, A. R.(1981)。The Taxation of Urban Land。Manchester:Manchester University Press。  new window
3.Chamberlin, E.(1960)。The Theory of Monopolistic Competition: A Re-orientation of The Theory of Value。Cambridge:Harvard University Press。  new window
4.Currie, J.(1981)。The Economic Theory of Agricultural Land Tenure。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
5.Goodchild, R.、Munton, R.(1985)。Development and the Landowner: An Analysis of the British Experience。London:George Allen and Unwin Publishers Ltd.。  new window
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7.Wadhva, Kiran(1983)。Urban Fringe Land Markets - An Economic Analysis。New Delhi:Concept Publishing Company。  new window
8.Friedman, M.(1976)。Price Theory。Chicago, IL:Aldine Publishing Company。  new window
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