

題名:應用Logit Model於航空市場之消費行為研究
作者:蔣文育梁金樹余坤東 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiang, IanLiang, Gin-shuhYe, Kung Don
主題關鍵詞:目標市場直飛轉機二元羅吉特交叉分析法Target marketTransit flyDirect flyBinary logitCross analysis
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就航空市場而言,一條航線即是一個市場。以台北到溫哥華的航線而言,有三間航空公司直飛(華航、長榮以及楓航),轉機的航空公司(國泰以及日亞航)有兩間(轉機時間較理想的2-4 小時)。因此,此一市場可分割為兩個大的目標市場,即是直飛與轉機市場,本文即是研究此二種目標市場之旅客消費行為。本研究以二元羅吉特法發現旅客選擇直飛或轉機班機,對旅客本身有較大效用之影響因素有:飛行時間、機票價格、旅客每月消費金額以及旅行目的。然而旅客若較注重飛行時間、不注重機票價格、每月消費金額較高、或旅行目的為短期者,則偏好直飛;否則偏好轉機。本研究並以交叉分析法發現,若轉機時間在1 小時以內且每月消費金額在25000元以內,直飛旅客有79%會選擇搭乘轉機航班;若直飛與轉機之價格差價在3000 元以內且每月消費金額大於20000 元,轉機旅客選擇直飛之可能性有75%;若直飛旅客每月消費金額在20000 元以下者且旅行目的為短期者,其選擇轉機的可能性有35%;若轉機時間在1 小時以內且機票差價為3000 元以內,直飛旅客有20%會選擇搭乘轉機航班;若直飛與轉機之價格差價在3000 元以內且旅行目的為長期,則轉機旅客選擇直飛之可能性有28%。本研究提供旅客之消費特性,以便航空公司應用於FFP(frequent flier programs)會員資料庫行銷。
An airline route is just a market. For the route of Taipei to Vancouver, there are three airlines are direct flying (China Airline, Eva Air, and Air Canada) and two airlines (transit waiting time is under 4 hours) are transit flying (Cathy Pacific and Japan Airlines). Therefore, the market can be divided into two target markets. This research found the key factors which affecting the travelers: travel time, ticket price, monthly spending, and travel objectives by using the binary logit method. This research, using the Cross Analysis, found that the travelers prefer direct flying if they, focus on travel time, do not care about ticket price, high monthly spending or short term travel; Otherwise, they prefer transit flying. The research found 79% of the direct fly travelers would prefer the transit flying if transit waiting time is less than an hour and spending monthly is less than 25000 NT dollars. 75% of transit fly travelers would prefer to take direct flying if the price difference is under 3000 NT dollars, and spending monthly is more than 20000 NT dollars. 20% of direct flying travelers would prefer to take transit flying if the transit waiting time is under an hour and ticket price difference is under 3000 dollars. The result can be applied on the FFP database marketing for airlines.
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