

作者:謝銘洋 引用關係李崇僖 引用關係
作者(外文):Shieh, Ming-yangLee, Chung-hsi
主題關鍵詞:技術移轉技術擴散外國直接投資新興工業國家貿易相關智慧財產權協定Technology transferTechnological diffusionForeign direct investmentNew industrialized countriesTRIPS
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WTO智慧財產權協定制訂至今已經十年,目前仍有許多談判議題尚待解決,但國際政治經濟情勢與十年前已有差異,尤其在產業全球化快速進展下,許多開發中國家都積極爭取外國資本投資與技術移轉,因此智慧財產權改革成為普遍之課題。本文乃以臺灣加入WTO前後之智慧財產權法律改革為研究對象,說明智慧財產權體制之健全對於產業發展有關鍵性影響。 本文分別整理臺灣近年來的三次專利法與商標法修正,四次著作權法修正,標舉出其中與TRIPS立法義務有關之部分,同時亦列舉其他與促進產業發展有關之修法內容。本文之研究指出,臺灣無論在影視產品或產業技術領域均已逐漸從輸入國轉變成為輸出國,因此在海外的著作權與專利權保護對臺灣產業發展日益重要。另一方面,臺灣透過智財權漸進改革以促進產業發展之成功經驗相當值得發展中國家參考,此亦為臺灣可在TRIPS理事會中發揮特長之處。
It has been ten years after the launching of WTO, there are still some controversial issues around TRIPS and other Agreements. Even so, the international economic order has been changing in that decade, especially in terms of economic globalization. Most developing countries have adjusted their industrial policies to embed into the global industrial system. This makes intellectual property a core issue for these countries. This paper is intended as a brief review on Taiwan’s experience3, in terms of promoting economic growth by IPR reforms. This paper figures out Taiwan’s several amendments of patent law, copyright law and trademark law in turns. Not only discussing what are related to TRIPS obligations, this review considers the legal reforms as a whole. According to this study, there are two points could be concluded. Firstly, Taiwan has become a exporting country in terms of audiovisual and high-tech products, therefore, Taiwan should concerns more about her own copyright and patent protection overseas. Secondly, Taiwan’s successful experience in IPR reforms can bring some meaningful suggestions for developing countries.
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5.謝銘洋(20031100)。新修正商標法評析。月旦法學,102,94-103。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.Dutfield, Graham(2001)。TRIPS-related Aspects of Traditional Knowledge。Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,33(2),233-245。  new window
1.Maskus, Keith E.(2000)。Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy。Washington, DC:Institute for International Economics。  new window
2.Lippert, Owen(1999)。Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property。Vancouver:Fraser Institute。  new window
3.Ryan, Michael P.(1998)。Knowledge Diplomacy: Global Competition and the Politics of Intellectual Property。Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press。  new window
4.Correa, Carlos M.(2000)。Intellectual Property Rights, the WTO and Developing Countries。Zed Books Ltd。  new window
1.Braga, Carlos(1993)。National and International Approaches to IPRs: The Newly Industrializing Economies。Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology。National Academy Press。  new window
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