

作者(外文):Yao, Hsia-linChiu, Mei-chihShiau, George T.
主題關鍵詞:高中日語教育大學日語考科Japanese education in senior high schoolsJapanese test for entering universities and colleges
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本研究透過資料蒐集與文獻探討、預試以及問卷調查等研究方式,以便達成五項研究目的: 一、瞭解韓、中、美、英高中日語課程與大學入學日語考科概況; 二、瞭解我國高中職的日語教育概況,包括應用外語日語主修與第二外語日語選修概況; 三、大學校院日語學群在入學管道篩選學生時,考量其日語能力以及大學學系對於高中生日語能力的需求; 四、瞭解高中日語主修生與第二外語日語選修生學習日語的動機; 五、蒐集大學、高中、學生對日語考科的測驗目標、測驗形式、測驗分級與成績採用的看法。 學生學習日語的動機其主要因素有五,包括「受同學親友與學校影響」、「異國文化與知識的瞭解」、「社會流行與傳媒的影響」、「日語相關証照與留學」、「提高未來工作機會」等,日語主修生比日語選修生更加贊同這四項因素是促成他們學習日語的動機。英、美、中、韓等國,已將日語列入大學入學的外語考科之一,各國的日語考生人數從數百人至數萬人,我國高中職每學年日語主修生有上千人與第二外語日語選修生亦有上萬人之多,大學校院日語學群已超過二十系組。大學校院有1/3 贊同設立日語考科,並建議日語考科應定位為指定考科。測驗內容應著重於日常生活的應用能力,其次才是文章閱讀理解能力,基礎文法句構能力等。為配合學生的日語主修生與日語選修生的程度差異,以及大學校系對不同性質學生的選才需求,建議日語測驗分基礎與初級測驗,並納入聽力測驗。
The methodology of this study is based on the collection of reference and research papers, pre-tests, and surveys in order to achieve the following five research objectives: (1) Understand the curriculum of Japanese education at senior high schools in Korea, China, the U.S., and the U.K., etc. (2) Understand the state of Japanese education in Taiwan’s senior high schools, including students in applied foreign languages majoring in Japanese and students choosing Japanese as a second foreign language. (3) Some of the Japanese Departments in universities and colleges screen candidates through selection channels, considering their Japanese ability and the Department’s requirement of Japanese ability for senior high school students. (4) Understand the motivation of senior high school students who major in Japanese and those who choose Japanese as a second foreign language. (5) Collect the views of colleges, senior high schools, and students about the goals, format, grading, and usage of the scores from the Japanese tests. The survey, which looked at the five motivation factors for learning Japanese and compared the difference between the students who majored in Japanese and those who chose Japanese as an elective. The motivation factors include “Influenced by classmates, relatives, and school,” “Understand foreign culture and knowledge,” “Influenced by social trends and the media,” “Obtaining Japanese related licenses and going abroad,” and “Increase chances of getting a job in the future,” students who majored in Japanese agreed to a higher extent than the students who chose Japanese as an elective that these four factors had a greater influence on their learning Japanese. In Korea, China, the U.S., and the U.K., Japanese has already been included as a foreign language test subject for screening candidates into universities and colleges. The number of candidates range from a few hundred to several thousand in these countries. In Taiwan, there are thousands of students in senior high schools or vocational schools either majoring in Japanese or choosing Japanese as a second foreign language. Meanwhile, there are more than 20 colleges and universities in Taiwan with Japanese departments. More than one third of these schools agree that Japanese should become a test subject because it can help increase the willingness of high school students to choose Japanese as a second foreign language as well as broaden students’ global perspective. It is recommended that Japanese should be positioned as a designated test subject so that universities and colleges can choose whether or not to use the Japanese test, or to use both English and Japanese tests at the same time to screen students. The content of the Japanese test should focus on the application of Japanese in daily life usage, followed by reading comprehension skills, basic grammar and sentence structure, etc. In order to support the difference between students majoring in Japanese and students who choose Japanese as an elective, as well as fulfilling the selection needs of universities and colleges towards different types of students, it is recommended to divide the Japanese test into basic and primal levels, and also include hearing tests.
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