

作者:劉晉彰連德仁 引用關係李杉峯
作者(外文):Liu, Jin-jangLien, Te-jenLee, San-feng
主題關鍵詞:街頭塗鴉流行文化商品價值Street graffitiPopular cultureProduct value
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Street graffiti is a distinct phenomenon in society as well as a contemporary popular culture. Those in the Taiwanese graffiti society populates around the cities like the underground stream. A distinct and alternative culture, such an art is often in the limelight and this sub-cultural art is rapidly sprouting up around the world, bringing new air of popular culture to the juvenile. This study primarily discusses the value of visualized popular street-graffiti products, hoping to turn cultural art into commercial products. The social value and need of such popular products are also analyzed. In other words, the development of popular products and the push of brand marketing are explored deeply. This study is divided into three parts: (1) the beginning of street graffiti and the analysis of its social value, (2) the discussion of the form of street graffiti and the style of graph presentation, and (3) the interpretation of the value of visualized popular street-graffiti products, the construction of possible marketing modes, and how to use creativity to drive the culture industry. This study discovers that the style and development of the present street-graffiti have been changed with time and environment. At the same time, the trend of street-graffiti can drive the consuming behavior of Taiwanese cultural industry. In other words, how to generate the far-reaching issues of cultural popularity from the cultural implication and recognition of street graffiti is the key point of the analysis and interpretation of this study.
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