

作者(外文):Rowen, Henry S.
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3.Boix, Carles、Stokes, Susan C.(2003)。Endogenous Democratization。World Politics,55(4),517-549。  new window
4.Wang, Zhengxu(2005)。Before the Emergence of Critical Citizens: Economic Development and Political Trust in China。International Review of Sociology,15(1),155-171。  new window
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2.Glaeser, Edward L.、Ponzetto, Giacomo、Shleifer, Andrei(2006)。Why Does Democracy Need Education?。Cambridge:National Bureau of Economic Research。  new window
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4.He, Baogang(2005)。Intra-Party Democracy: A Revisionist Perspective from Below。The Chinese Communist Party in a New Era: Renewal and Reform。London:Routledge。  new window
5.Lin, Gang(2003)。Ideology and Political Institutions for a New Era。China after Jiang。Stanford:Stanford University Press。  new window
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