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1.Fatouros, I. G.、Kambas, A.、Katrabasas, I.、Nikolaidis, K.、Chatzinikolaou, A.、Leontsini, D.(2005)。Strength training and detraining effects on muscular strength, anaerobic power, and mobility of inactive older men are intensity dependent。British Journal of Sports Medicine,39(10),776-780。  new window
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7.Mujika, I.、Padilla, S.(2000)。Detraining: Loss of training-induced physiological and performance adaptations. Part II-Long term insufficient training stimulus。Sports Medicine,30(3),145-154。  new window
8.Nordström, A.、Olsson, T.、Nordström, P.(2005)。Bone gained from physical activity and lost through detraining: A longitudinal study in young males。Osteoporosis International,16(7),835-841。  new window
9.Petibois, C.、Déléris, G.(2003)。Effects of short- and long-term detraining on the metabolic response to endurance exercise。International Journal of Sports Medicine,24(5),320-325。  new window
10.Petibois, C.、Cassaigne, A.、Gin, H.、Deleris, G.(2004)。Lipid profile disorders induced by long-term cessation of physical activity in previously highly endurance-trained subjects。The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,89(7),3377-3384。  new window
11.Rietjens, G. J. W. M.、Keizer, H. A.、Kuipers, H.、Saris, W. H. M.(2001)。A reduction in training volume and intensity for 21 days does not impair performance in cyclists。British Journal of Sports Medicine,35(6),431-434。  new window
12.Smith, K.、Winegard, K.、Hicks, A. L.、McCartney, N.(2003)。Two years of resistance training in older men and women: The effects of three years of detraining on the retention of dynamic strength。Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology,28(3),462-474。  new window
13.Chen, S. Y.、Chen, S. M.、Chang, W. H.、Lai, C. S.、Chen, M. C.、Chou, C. H.(2006)。Effect of 2-month detraining on body composition and insulin sensitivity in young female dancers。International Journal of Obesity,30(1),40-44。  new window
14.Coyle, E. F.、Martin, W. H.、Sinacore, D. R.、Joyner, M. J.、Hagberg, J. M.、Holloszy, J. O.(1984)。Time course of loss of adaptations after stopping prolonged intense endurance training。Journal of Applied Physiology,57(6),1857-1864。  new window
15.Elliott, K. J.、Sale, C.、Cable, N. T.(2002)。Effects of resistance training and detraining on muscle strength and blood lipid profiles in postmenopausal women。British Journal of Sports Medicine,36,340-345。  new window
16.Mujika, I.、Padilla, S.(2001)。Cardiorespiratory and metabolic characteristics of detraining in humans。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,33(3),413-421。  new window
17.Simsolo, R. B.、Ong, J. M.、Kern, P. A.(1993)。The regulation of adipose tissue and muscle lipoprotein lipase in runners by detraining。The Journal of Clinical Investigation,92,2124-2130。  new window
18.Slentz, C. A.、Torgan, C. E.、Houmard, J. A.、Tanner, C.、Kraus, W. E.(2002)。Long-term effects of exercise training and detraining on carbohydrate metabolism in overweight subjects。Clinical Exercise Physiology,4(1),22-28。  new window
19.Tsolakis, C. K.、Vagenas, G. K.、Dessypris, A. G.(2004)。Strength adaptations and hormonal responses to resistance training and detraining in preadolescent males。Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,18(3),625-629。  new window
20.Mujika, I.、Padilla, S.(2000)。Detraining: loss of training-induced physiological and performance adaptations, Part I: short term insufficient training stimulus。Sports Medicine,30(2),79-87。  new window
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