

作者:吳昌廉 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Chang-lien
主題關鍵詞:張掖郡居延觻得昭武氐池縣里Chang-yehCounty Ju-yanLi-deZhao-wuDi-chiHsien-Li
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漢代張掖郡所轄十縣中,除刪丹縣目前未發現所屬里名外,其餘各縣里數:觻得四二、昭武一五、氐池一六、屋蘭五、日勒三、驪靬一、番和三、居延五七、顯美一,合計一百四十三里名,此與何雙全一七二里、周振鶴一二二里、大庭脩一二七里均異。 以上從漢簡所得張掖郡所轄一百四十三里名、居延縣五十七里名等,除可補班固《漢書.地理志》之闕外,更是目前所知人類史上年代最早、數量最多、名稱最明確者,其意義之重大、價值之珍貴,自然不言可喻。 其中居延縣之全稽、中宿、昌里、陽里、肩水、鳴沙、三泉、收降、孤山、通澤、庶虜、萬歲、廣地、廣利、鉼庭以及觻得縣之成漢、千秋、口胡、都里與氐池縣之宜藥等里名,其確切地點亦約略可知,非常可貴。
The number of names of “Li” within these Hsiens which belong to the Chang-Yeh County in the Han Dynasty were 42 for Li-De (觻得), 15 for Zhao-wu (昭武), 16 for Di-Chi (氐池), 5 for Wu-lan (屋蘭), 3 for Ri-lei (日勒), 1 for Li-jian (驪靳), 3 for Fan-he (番和), 57 for Ju-yuan (居延) 1 for Shan-mei (顯美), however we hasn't found any name of Li for Shan-Dan (刪丹) yet. The total number of above Li(s) is 143 and this is quiet different from 172 Li(s) suggested by Shuang-quan He (何雙全), 122 Li suggested by Zhen-he Zhou (周振鶴) and 127 Li(s) suggested by Osamu Ooba (大庭脩). With these 143 names of Li, which belongs to Change-yen County and 57 of these names belong to Ju-yuan, adapted from bamboos of the Han Dynasty. They are not only does provide information which were missed by the Book of Han but also the greatest number, most exact name and the earliest in Human history. With above achievement, we don't need to say the meaningfulness and the valuableness of these information. It is very valuable that we could locate the exact location of these Li(s) like Quan-ji (全稽), Zhong-Shu (中宿)i, Chang Li (昌里), Yan Li (陽里), Jian-shui(肩水), Min-sa (鳴沙), San-quan (三泉), So-shang (收降), Gu-shan (孤山), Tung-zhai (通澤), Su-lu (庶虜), Wan-shui (萬歲), Guan-d (廣地)i, Guan-li (廣利), Bing-ting (鉼庭) of the Ju-yuan hsien and Chan-han (成漢), Chin-qiu (千秋), ?-Hu (口胡), Du Li (都里) of the Li-de hsien and I-iao (宜藥) of Di-chi hsien.
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