

題名:The Evolution and Psychology of Future Consciousness
書刊名:Journal of Futures Studies
作者:Lombardo, Tom
主題關鍵詞:Future consciousnessPsychologyEvolutionHistoryMythic narrativeScienceEnlightenmentRomanticismOptimism and pessimismReciprocityCompetitionProgressScience fictionFuture studiesTechnologySocial theoriesIntegrative theoriesEastern and Western perspectivesWisdom
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4.Lombardo, Thomas(2006)。Developing constructive and creative attitudes and behaviors about the future: Part one - Deep Learning, Emotion, and Motivation。Futures Bulletin,31(6),8-10。  new window
5.Lombardo, Thomas(2007)。Developing constructive and creative attitudes and behaviors about the future: Part two - Thinking and imagination。Futures Bulletin,32(1),7-11。  new window
6.Nandy, Ashis(2006)。Visions that do not reproduce another nightmare。Journal of Futures Studies,10(3),89-92。new window  new window
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8.Sardar, Ziauddin(2005)。A garden of identities: Multiple selves and other futures。Journal of Future Studies,10(6),13-20。new window  new window
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