

作者:謝安田倪家珍 引用關係紀夙娟
作者(外文):Hsieh, An-tienNi, Jia-jenChi, Su-chuan
主題關鍵詞:消費者自信心價格敏感度購買決策Consumer self-confidencePrice sensitivityPurchasing behavior
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The consumer self-confidence is the psychological factor which will affect the consumer's purchasing behavior. Although some researchers have investigated its reaction to the purchasing decision, there is no research discussing the relationship with the self-confidence and the price sensitivity. We survey 295 subjects. The results indicated that: (1) Only the information acquisition and personal outcomes had significant effect on price sensitivity. (2) Gender had significant moderate effect on the relationship between consumer self-confidence and price sensitivity For males, information acquisition, the personal outcomes and persuasion knowledge had significant effect on price sensitivity, and for females, only information acquisition and personal outcomes had significant effect on price sensitivity.
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